IXO - for the future

Posted by: Scott Mckenzie on 19 November 2001

Being the type of person to dream/plan ahead, I could do with some assistance in the following area...

Whilst my current system is good enough for my current room (Nait 3R, Arcam Alpha 7SE and Dynaudio Audience 40). I have been reading of peoples exploits with active speakers for a while, whilst not overwhelmed with the Intro 2's when I heard them last, they were indeed excellent, IMHO they seemed to be lacking a bit of punch in the bass, though their timing and detail was still amongst the best I have heard.

I am keeping my eyes open for a CD3.5 (as and when the funds allow) but I have recently been told how impressive the Credo's are (obviously I would listen to them first) and this got me thinking about going active. I have located an IXO going cheap, but is it any good? I have rarely heard it mentioned, and it is probably going to be replaced with an IXO 2 knowing my luck, so if I want one, now would be a good time to get it and just keep it.

Will active help with the lack of bass punch? or will it just improve on the already excellent timing and detail etc?

This plan is a while off, but the IXO really is at a good price and I could afford to keep it if it would be worthwhile in the future...


Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Steve G
I'll tell you what Scott, if you let me know where this cheap IXO is I'll buy it and try it with my Credos. Then I could let you know if it's good or not. wink


Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Scott Mckenzie
Cheers for the offer Steve, I'd like to know if it would be any good, plus as I say it is only a future thought. Depending on what people say etc and if i decide i can't afford it, i'll let you know....


Posted on: 19 November 2001 by sonofcolin

Don't know how you intend to go active with a Nait on its own. You need at least 2 power amps and with the credos you would need a minimum of 2x140's, leaving the Nait as the pre.

However, most people would advise you to go 'source 1st', so the 3.5 would be a much better upgrade than the IXO and cheaper!

Hope this helps.

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by garyi
I see you are looking for the future, presumably the cross over will sit in the loft till then. in addition to the two power amps you will need a power supply for the cross over.
Posted on: 19 November 2001 by garyi

I feel a bit stupid then.

Still I never implied I had a clue what I was on about.

Posted on: 20 November 2001 by jpk73
I am selling my Credo & SlimLine stuff soon (CD3.5, 2*FlatCaps, nac92, 2*nap90s, IXO), please feel free to contact me!


Posted on: 20 November 2001 by Scott Mckenzie
I seem to have people at opposite ends of the see-saw...I wish I could listen to the system before to get an idea, but I think I may just buy it anyway..it would seem that I would be able to sell it in the future if I decide against the idea....I do like the idea of getting an all Slim Line system...such as the one Jun i selling..sadly I cannot afford it and it wouldn't work too well in my current room...

I am confident that the slim line kit will remain at a steady second hand price (or hopefully reduce smile ) and therefore I will be able to get a good system...without killing the budget....I would also be able to make a modular upgrade system anyway...the price difference between 90.3's and 140's/180's isn't that great anyway..so the amps could soon increase, then Hi-Caps etc...only problem is I would need a 7 tier rack.....


P.S. Cheers for all the thought guys..i'll let you know what it sounds like in a couple of years..until then, I have a nice Naim box, full, living in the loft!!!!