My experience wirth the Naim CD 5 So Far
Posted by: Jaybar on 09 November 2000
I have the Naimn CD 5 for almost 2 weeks. I replaced my classe CDP. My amp and Pre-amp is spectral (DMA 90 amp and DMC 12 Line Stage). Compared to the Classe, I find myself more involved in the music than before. I find it MUCH easier to follow the music lines and beat. The sound-staging and other audiophile concepts may npt be as good. I am not sure it is the last word in tonal neutrality, but it sure has me involved. Improved with a high-cap. I am using Chord Cobra 2 DIN-> RCA. I find it very sensitive to power chords. Spectral gear is very sensitive to noise (digital) on the line and I found markedlyn improved dynamics, lower noise floor and music involvement with using MIT power cords which issolate noise from entering and leaving the compnent. I also found the CD player markedly improved by Symposium Audio Rollerblocks which issolate by ball bearings, so I think the equipment is not immune to issolation. It takes forever to warm up and turning it off even for 5 minutes effects the sound. I am very favorably impressed!