My experience wirth the Naim CD 5 So Far

Posted by: Jaybar on 09 November 2000

I have the Naimn CD 5 for almost 2 weeks. I replaced my classe CDP. My amp and Pre-amp is spectral (DMA 90 amp and DMC 12 Line Stage). Compared to the Classe, I find myself more involved in the music than before. I find it MUCH easier to follow the music lines and beat. The sound-staging and other audiophile concepts may npt be as good. I am not sure it is the last word in tonal neutrality, but it sure has me involved. Improved with a high-cap. I am using Chord Cobra 2 DIN-> RCA. I find it very sensitive to power chords. Spectral gear is very sensitive to noise (digital) on the line and I found markedlyn improved dynamics, lower noise floor and music involvement with using MIT power cords which issolate noise from entering and leaving the compnent. I also found the CD player markedly improved by Symposium Audio Rollerblocks which issolate by ball bearings, so I think the equipment is not immune to issolation. It takes forever to warm up and turning it off even for 5 minutes effects the sound. I am very favorably impressed!
Posted on: 09 November 2000 by Jaybar

I wasa little surprised by your post. Your statement that it is my right or liberty to tweak ifd I please is self evident as far as I am concerned. With respect to isolation ideas based on ball bearings (Symposium Rollerblocks among others), there are 3 other people on this forum of have commented on the positive effects. That is not to say that everyone should, but in the context of my system where I am also using symposium isolation platforms, It made sense to try it and I am only suggesting it. Symposium Audio's approach to isolation is oposite to the low mass/rigid school of isolation. I have found that my equipment (spectral pre and amp , Linn Linto, Linn Lingo, Naim CD 5, High Cap responds very well to sitting on thsi stuff. There is no absolute and all tweaks are system dependent. I wondered what others experiences have been?

Posted on: 10 November 2000 by John Schmidt
I'm probably going to start a flame war here

Save yourself the cost of an asbestos suit and buy some CDs instead.

1. You've just repeated what the NANA site states in about three sentences (see Questions and Answers, DIN cables). I suspect there is broad, although not unanimous, agreement among most forum participants on this point.

2. Even at its most juvenile, this forum has a much more civilized discourse than any other internet forum that I've come across (that's why it's the only one I bother to contribute to). Hell, it's even more civilized than the sorry excuse for a political leader's debate that I watched last night on TV (and the night before in French, am I a glutton for punishment or what?)


John Schmidt
"95% of everything is crud" - Theodore Sturgeon