220V vs. 230V transformer in NAPs

Posted by: Chrisk7 on 19 January 2001

Dear all,

recently I tried a NAP 180 and a NAP 250 each containing a 220V transformer (serial number 75###) in comparison with a 180 and 250 containing a 230V transformer (serial number 102###).
I found the difference in performance obvious: the amps containing the 230V transformer revealed much more musical details and played more dynamically whereas the older amps missed transparency. So the musical value that you get with an amp containing a 230V transformer is significantly increased. The differences concerning tonality or rhythm, however, were marginal if at all.

Anybody that gained similar experiences?


Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

The thing is are you comparing just the transformers of all the rest of the amp as well?.
What you should do is only change one thing so that means swoping the transformers over otherwise it isn't a fair test, and you can't say the only difference is the transformers. It might just be that the old amps need a service.


Posted on: 22 January 2001 by Chrisk7
The differences I heard can well be due to the age of the 220V amp and therefore this can not be excluded. This would mean that the older amp plays less detailed in comparison.

Coming back to servicing: what can be realized or heard first when an amp needs to be serviced? Less resolution, less bass, less dynamic or sound stage or is just everything getting worse?
