Captive Music Works or NOT

Posted by: Naheed on 29 December 2000

I have replaced all my power leads with Music Works IEC's and a Power Block to great effect.

However, my IXO is a captive lead, anyone out there tried replacing a captive lead with Music Works or other's, is this a good/bad idea, the guys at Audio Counsel where a bit hesitant as it is an unknown to them...

Additionally what about disconnecting the on/off switch on the IXO, i tried this on my Micromega sources with great effect...


Posted on: 29 December 2000 by Martin Payne

removing the mains switch may sound like a good idea, but I think it's short-sighted.

How are you going to power the system up?

It is never a good idea to plug a live mains lead into a switched-on appliance - you can get funny surges, and Naim kit really does not like surges up the neutral power line (ref JV on old conference).

Even if you've got a switched mains socket (I bet you haven't, given this question) then you will have to switch everything on all at once - against the advice in the manual to switch on the power amp(s) last. At the very least this will give you a big thump through your speakers, and this is never a good idea.

(For info, my dealer reckons that a single loud squeal from plugging a phono socket into the live source on a preamp is sufficient to deteriorate the tweeters on your speakers).

Although this may sound better in the short term, I would worry that in two or three years you may have unnecessarily stressed your electronics or speakers and be getting a sound which is less than it might otherwise be.

Be careful.

Have a happy New Year, Martin

Posted on: 29 December 2000 by Naheed
Martin, the Dist Block i use is switched, so i could switch off just the IXO.


Posted on: 02 January 2001 by Naheed
Hi Jonathan,

I was thinking of using the Music Works as a captive lead (open up the box and re-wire), as i intend keeping the IXO for a while... but at the sametime disconnecting the power switch.


Posted on: 02 January 2001 by Naheed
I reckon I'll do it, not me though as I'm to 'chicken', waiting to see if the boys at Audio Counsel will oblige...

Yes please, I don't mind giving the Super a whirl, email me to sort the details.


Posted on: 23 January 2001 by Naheed
Well, i took the plunge last friday to snip my IXOs todger OFF...

The whole thing had me rather worried, as even Audio Counsel were'nt too sure, it being an unknown.

In the end, i went with Jonathan's route, and snipped the cable leaving 3-4 inches, and wired up a female IEC to the end.

First three days, were a major worry, as it was very difficult to pin-point what had actually happened, but 3 days in things settled down allowing an early heads-up as to improvements.

Well its Day Four now and the improvement is considerable:

    * More low level detail;
    * That annoying little 'tiz' from vocals has gone;
    * Bass is 'plumbier', deeper and more expressive;
    * And that last bit of congestion, is all but gone.

It's still improving, but all i'll say in MY case it worked a treat, the guys at AC have done alot of R&D into this and it shows BIG TIME.
