Difficulty connecting 135s to Naxo 2/4 - advice needed!

Posted by: Anders on 19 August 2000


I have loaned a Naxo 2/4 in order to arrange a active/passive IBL "shootout" with 4x135s.

The problem is that I have not a Naxo manual and have therefore a problem figuring the proper connections. I need some advice!

The connections on the Naxo reads (left to right)

HF C1, HFC2, Input, LFC1 and LFC2.

The question is how to connect the right Naxo output connection with the right 135 input connection (I know from experience with Naxo 3/6 that the logic seems a bit strange...), in other words:

1. Naxo HF C1 (left speaker treble) connect to corresponding 135s left input (CH1) or right input (CH2)?

2. Naxo HF C2 (right speaker treble) connect to corresponding 135s left input (CH1) or right input (CH2)?

3. Naxo LF C1 (left speaker mid/base) connect to corresponding 135s left input (CH1) or right input (CH2)?

4. Naxo LF C2 (right speaker mid/base) connect to corresponding 135s left input (CH1) or right input (CH2)?

Looking forward to some quick responses!



Posted on: 19 August 2000 by Willem van Gemert
Hi Anders,

I had a look in an older Naim Audio Owners Manual and found the following "Four Pack" schedule. I hope it helps!



P.S. Let us know your impressions!

[This message was edited by Willem van Gemert on SATURDAY 19 August 2000 at 14:22.]

Posted on: 20 August 2000 by Anders
Thanks Willem!

Unfortunately it seems the Naxo in question is faulty...I need to get my hands on another one I'm afraid.

