Active Credos ? upgrade advice needed.
Posted by: P on 05 November 2000
and I'm contemplating an upgrade, but I'm not too sure of the route to take. I need some advice.
Should I :
Buy an IXO & another 180? and go active?
Buy a Snaxo/hicap/180? and go active?
Change the 72 for an 82/add another hicap or supercap it and sell the 72/hi?
Change the 180 for a 250?
I'm drawn towards the 82 route - I obviously would love to have a 52/supercap but I have a marriage to consider here!
I am also a complete novice when it comes to active systems and I really do not understand what happens or why. Any explanation would be welcome - particularly from Intro or Credo owners who have done this.
I really love my system at the moment - I'm hearing stuff going on in my favourite recordings that I never knew existed on the vinyl version and couldn't be happier with my upgrade to the CDS2- thanks NAIM!- I do feel though that there is more going on in there than I'm hearing and I'm wondering just how much better can it get.
I would not consider losing my Credos.
What should I do please?
Regards P
[This message was edited by Pierre on SUNDAY 05 November 2000 at 20:32.]
[This message was edited by Pierre on MONDAY 06 November 2000 at 04:40.]