Bye Bye 72

Posted by: Andrew Randle on 18 November 2000

The 72 is no more, it is official. Its product entry on the website has been deleted.

As an obituary I shall pay tribute and say that it was the dinkiest pre-amp around. Always supremely musical with great poise and authority.

Of course I'd be delighted to see a 72.5, but this is doubtful - Naim stated that the demand for the product had significantly dropped.

End of an era,

Andrew (now a 72 owner)

Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 21 November 2000 by Matt Gear

I'm off to put down a deposit on one of the last 72's next weekend. I'll be running it with a CDX, hicap and 140 through my Castle Avons, and I can't wait to get my hands on it!!

All the best
