Has anyone heard the top of the line DNM Reson preamp or amp ?
I had a look at their website and the gear looks very interesting. They use separate power suppplies for their preamp and amps, DIN connectors and the gear and cables seem to be designed to work together as a complete system...sound familiar ? Unfortunately there is no distibution in the USA.
Has anyone heard these amps or compared them with
Naim or Lavardin ?If so, what speakers were used ?DNM recommend the Rhedeko speakers for use with their gear. Their top amp is only 23 wpc and they recommend speakers with 90db or higher sensitivity and 4-8 ohm.
Speaking of easy loads - what speakers can you guys think of that would have pretty constant impedances ( ie around 8 ohms not dropping below 6 or 7 ohms) and 88 db sensitivity or greater. I'm looking for something with these properties that would work in a small room 11 by 15 feet and that can be placed relatively close to the rear wall ( ie less than 2 feet) Some thoughts that came to mind were Epos ES11, Rega ELA, Spendor 1/2 or 2/3, Proac 1sc.
[This message was edited by Greg Bolen on TUESDAY 14 November 2000 at 22:31.]
Posted on: 14 November 2000 by Andrew Randle
Yes, I've heard DNM. They are the only worthy alternative to Naim. Don't use Rhedekos! They are crap.
The speakers that I've heard them work with were the Living Voice non-horn types.
Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 15 November 2000 by Greg Bolen
I have heard the 47 Lab gear and it sounded very good. I heard the complete 47 lab system ( cd transport, dac, pre and power amp) at the US importers ( Sakura Systems) NY showroom whioh is actually a studio apartment in a building close to Wall Street where I work. Yoshi, the importer, was using Audio Physic Virgo speakers. The dynamics and bass were excellent for a 25 watt amp.
I also heard the 47 Labs cd system vs a Naim CDS2 in friends system with 52 pre and ATC50a's on Mana and although the 47 Labs was good - it was no match for the cds2.
Currently, I'm playing with a Redgum Audio 120i integrated amp from Australia. This is a great sounding amp for around $1500 USD. Check out their
website www.redgumaudio.com It uses custom made MOSFETS and has very simple circuitry. The designer has been in the audio industry for about 30 years and has repaired about 17,000 pieces of equipment. After seeing what worked and didn't work in other manufacturers gear he decided to build his own amps. I'm using it with a cds2 and Linn Tukans in my small apartment and it is really very good. It also shows how good the cds2 really is in that I think any system with a cds2 at front will most likely be very good if it is well setup. Is the Redgum better than my 52 and 135's ? .... no but it is very good for a fraction of the price.
[This message was edited by Greg Bolen on WEDNESDAY 15 November 2000 at 16:15.
[This message was edited by Greg Bolen on WEDNESDAY 15 November 2000 at 16:24.]