For new cash .. please recommend..
Posted by: belsizepark on 28 October 2000
2 years ago i spent some of my hard earned cash on the following system.. all naim components
Nat?03 tuner
nac92r preamp
nap90 poweramp
credo speakers
Sound organisation stand...
I purchased it all new from a shop called Studio99 near where I live and they were very helpful. I recently went back there and sadly they seem to no longer be there....
I telephoned Grahams Hifi and on the phone the salesperson suggested I come in for a listen and said possibly upgrading the power amp to a 180 might be the initial upgrade worthwhile doing...
So i have a couple of questions.. anyone know what happened to studio99 or the staff who were helpful?...notably peter cole the manager.. any suggestions on other dealers in london worthwhile visiting?.. any views on what i should listen to if i went to Grahams?...Ive never done 2nd hand before but on 2nd hand any views on what i might do..
I thank you for your help and assistance...