s/h SBLs and other options
Posted by: Franz K on 05 November 2000
Finally, I plan to upgrade my speakers. After I have traded the 90, got a s/h updated 250 together with a HiCap, and after I have replaced the speaker cables and got NACA5 I run a bare CDX together with 82/Hi/250. My current speakers are (wall mounted) Ruark Icons, and although I like these little speakers I now very much feel their limitations.
I have recently listened to a similar system than mine (CDX/72Hi/180) together with SBLs and I was very much impressed with the "amount" of music the SBLs delivered.
Specially with solopiano (for example Schubert or Beethoven Pianosonatas played by Brendel) louder or higher tones tend to be distorted and sound shrill with the Ruarcs, yet they were perfectly fine through the SBLs even at volumes up at 12 o"clock. Furthermore the SBLs had a lot more weight and air" and " a sense of "realness" that I am missing with the Icons. Also when listening to complex full orchestral music the presentation is "undetailed" and "boxed in".
Although almost mystifying hymns have been sung on the virtues of the IBLs I have never had a chance to listen to them and am hesitant to buy some s/h -given I can find relatively recent ones, which is not very likely- without having auditioned them.
So I think I will try to get some s/h SBLs within the near future. There are always some on the s/h market. (Which aktually makes you wonder). For example I could get a pair of SBLs that are 2 to 3 years old for roughly £1300. Is this pice appropriate? What else do I need to pay attention to- recent version, since when, update, etc.?
Before I go ahead with the SBLs, I^d also like to aks the pros on our forum if and which other speakers I should possibly also consider. (I am aware that this topic has been covered repeatitively and I appologize for raising it again).
I have not listened to other speakers yet and I only know them from hearsay. (B&W, Epos, KEF, Shahinians, Kans, etc). So far the dealers I spoke to did not have any of those mentioned for demo. There will be a "High end Show" however this friday and hopefully I have a chance to widen my perspective.