Stax Electrostatic Headphones

Posted by: Le Chef on 26 December 2000

I'm wondering how compatible these are with Naim equipment. What socket do they feed out of from the pre? What are the positives and negatives of using this type of headphone with its own amp in a Naim system?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Le Chef

Posted on: 27 December 2000 by Tony L
Joel B kindly leant me a pair of Stax headphones when my 135s were sick. The energiser unit has phono connectors, and they are happy to run off the preamp tape outputs. A standard tape lead such as the ones available from Chord would enable connection. I just plugged the energiser direct from my CD player (my preamp was out being recapped) and they sounded great.

Stax are fantastic headphones, they are fast, open and clear, though if I remember correctly Joel found them to sound a bit off at higher volumes (I listen to music quite quietly so heard no problems). The downside is that they are really quite uncomfortable and heavy, and make weird creaking noises when you move your head. I have been very impressed with the wooden Grado headphones, I suspect I would prefer them, though they are expensive, and need some form of decent headphone amp.
