Output too high for Nait-2
Posted by: Alco on 15 October 2000
I'm having some trouble when listening to my tuner on my Nait-2. At low (late-night) volume-level the sound is going to one channel, the more
I turn down the volume. This can be a little frustrating at times. The same with using CD.
With CD the problem is more like this: When I just
turn up the volume about a few millimeters, the volume level is increasing very fast. I guess it
has got to do with the fact that this little amp is designed to be used with a turntable instead of (high-output) CD.
Now,... there was one dealer in my area who said
it had everything to do wiht the cheap volume-pot.
He advised me to let him modify the amp by swapping the volume-pot for an expensive "Noble"
knob. This way the channel sepration would be perfect, also when listening at low levels.
(costs about 200 Dutch Guilders/ 50 gbp/$100)
and... another (2) dealer(s) said they could fix my problem by reducing the input-level for the tuner on my Nait-2. (costs about 15 gbp/$30)
(I hope my English is just good enough to read and understand...)
Well, I hope there are some Naimoholics out here who recognise this problem and can tell me what would be the best choice.
Any advice on this is appreciated.