The photonet statistic is a function of ease of submission of a digital originated image versus the extra steps of scanning etc of a wet or analog image.
Undoubtedly, given that you have to upload a jpeg to Photonet to have a pic on the site will favour those whose cameras produce jpegs in the first place. But the sheer number of pix from digital cameras vs film cameras on the site does seem like a harbinger of things pixelly to come.
So when are you taking the plunge
Two obstacles to overcome... First, I need to save the cash, and between the new kiddo and the new computer I'm broke. Second, I'm awaiting Nikon to make the mythical D200 (~8MP D-SLR based on the F100 body) before I take the plunge. Plus, I bought a 5400-dpi film scanner earlier this year, so I suppose I ought to get some proper use of out it before I start drooling over the next toy.