question to 135 owners
Posted by: Uwe Supper on 14 September 2000
Dear all,
I am more than sure that the topic has been covered in the old forum, but at that time I couldn't be bothered. I own now a pair of 135s, and the sound is phantastic, however what worries me a bit is the (slight) hum from the amps. I know, question of the mains, and it is nothing that prevents me from enjoying the music, but being a perfectionist, I was just wondering whether there are any other solutions you might have tried out and which could solve the problem.
At present the system is (from the top): 135, Supercap, 135, CD2, 82. Any comments are welcome. BTW, when the dealer installed them, the hum wasn't noticable, and as I was saying, it is not a big problem. Does anybody stack them?
Thanks in advance for your input.
Posted on: 14 September 2000 by Vik
Stacking I've seen some people do and I really can't complain for what I've heard even then.
Hey, good on you.
The 135 is one of Naim's finest.
Posted on: 14 September 2000 by Rico
Posted on: 15 September 2000 by Graeme Cree
Aren't 135s great? Needed mine to keep Dynaudio Contour 1.8s under control.
My 135s are about 5 years old and vertically stacked, with a Hicap on top. CDX / NAT03/ 102 stacked top to bottom next to them. There is a slight hum which I've been unable to remove but it's not troublesome. Certainly disappears when the music is on.
I don't have a dedicated spur and the hum is constant throughout the day, so not related to peaks in electricity use.
I live with it but am open to suggestions on getting rid of it.
Posted on: 15 September 2000 by Uwe Supper
How about keeping them away from other naim-items? Which other black box(es) should be as far away as possible on a rack? I would like to avoid putting the 135s on the floor or somewhere else.
Thanks so far for the input.
Posted on: 15 September 2000 by Uwe Supper
just to be complete: there is also a pair of (used) Shahinian Obelisks now in the system, a Audio Counsel 6-way-block and the mod on the 82 which has been mentioned in another thread.
No wonder, the neighbours start complaining ...
Posted on: 15 September 2000 by JosephR
Mine are approx. 5-6 years old, bought them fully recapped last month, and I have not heard any hum ... whether stacked on top of each other (that was how it was when they came in first time), or whether in the racks. I don't have a dedicated line (still waiting for electrician). Naim 135 users, are they supposed to hum ?
Posted on: 15 September 2000 by Andy S
Mine don't hum at all. They are powered from a seperate spur but they
sometimes buzz (noticably in the morning). I live in a village so we are at the end of the supply chain for mains quality
Posted on: 16 September 2000 by toto
Dear Uwe
I have pair of 135 amp. There are made in 1992, one recapped in 1999 and the other not recapped. When I open 135's, Recapped 135 is changed current spec. main transformer.
Current spec. main transformer have more hum.
I don't know why occur more hum from current spec. transformer.
I think early main transformer have less hum(it's made in Holden & Fisher TX).
Posted on: 18 September 2000 by Tony Storey
Uwe, the 135's you currently own belonged to me before I replaced them with a 500 (in fact I had four 135's biamping my Shahinian Hawks, and am currently waiting for a second 500). As far as I can recall they never used to hum, but did occasionally buzz a little, but most of this disaapeared when I started to use an audio council music block (12 way) and leads. I am glad you are enjoying them and that they have gone to a "good home"... I also fully endorse your comments about Phil - he is the finest dealer I have ever come across..
Posted on: 18 September 2000 by Uwe Supper
Hi Tony,
nice to read you. AsI was saying, not a big deal, I think it is only one of them, and the buzz varies according day time. As soon as the music is on, it is gone.
When do you intend to sell your NAP 500 (blink, blink)? -:)
Posted on: 19 September 2000 by Uwe Supper
Hi Tony,
would you so kind as to mail me privately, all the questions I have are probably of no interest to the usual public. Thanks in advance.