Recapping Power amps
Posted by: Simon Jenkins on 23 August 2000
Hello all.
I am new to the Forum, but have been reading for the last week or so.
My current system consists of a 72/180, LP12 with Lingo, Ekos and Dynavector 17d2, and a pair of Linn Index II's, wired up with NACA5 and a black snaic. Due to add a CD5 as soon as the factory can ship (been on order for 5 weeks now, starting to get a bit impatient).
Anyway, after reading several posts over the recent few days I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on if there would be any benefit to re-capping the 180, and how much this would cost.
The 180 is about 8 years old, but spent 3 years of that boxed up due to various circumstances.