Has anyone listened to these funky horn speakers? Apprently, they are very fast, dynamic and has "foot-tapping properties". They are receiveing rave reviews these days, both in Europe and in the US.
Avantgarde speakers have sensitivities in the 100-105 dBs range(!), use specially developed horns for high and mid frequencies and use active dynamic subwofers for frequencies below 100Hz.
I wonder if they will work properly with Naim (as high sensitivity speakers need very quit electronics - otherwise they will run you crazy as background noice will become very apparant)?
Any comments
Posted on: 15 December 2000 by Anders
I saw that Stereophile voted the Uno (the smallest speaker in the Avantgarde line) as joint product of year 2000. What really impressed their reviewer (Robert Deutsch) was the emotional experience and the expressiveness these speakers delivered compared to everything else he had heard. They are quite pricy however, DM 14,000 for Uno and DM 20,000 for Duo, i.e. in the NBL/DBL range.
Posted on: 15 December 2000 by woodface
I must confess I have a bit of a soft spot for these speakers. I have heard them on a number of occasions at shows and have always been very impressed. They make valves sound very dynamic but retain the warmth. To be honest I don't think they would work with naim but I could be wrong.
Posted on: 15 December 2000 by Greg Bolen
There is a Naim dealer in the San Fran Bay area
that also sells Avant Garde and he said they work
well with Naim.