Pooped again ???
Posted by: Martin Payne on 16 November 2000
Slow responses, 'not available' messages, etc...
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Five Most Popular Topics: Hutter-ly amazing! by John Channing (with 103 posts and 5443 page views)
CD5 in Listener by Jim Branch (with 49 posts and 3202 page views)
The Dealer and I (a new musical opening soon) by Vuk Vuksanovic (with 54 posts and 3141 page views)
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This statistic puts a dimension of contest to the
[This message was edited by Arie_Gur on TUESDAY 09 January 2001 at 14:15.]
I'm sorry, but the numbers don't convince me as they are. It would be more interesting to compare them to the statistics of the old forum, but even then I wonder if you would get the complete picture.
I for myself still think with nostalgia about the old forum window with the three sections: left the threads (you could see all the subjects (music and hifi) in one glance), top right the thread itself and down right the messages of the thread. Simple and very user friendly! The other feature I really miss is the "stay informed per e-mail" option which allowed you to be informed per e-mail about the follow up of a thread to which you had contributed.
P.S. Still happy the forum exists though!
Way Cool
Most of my palnts are in my aquarium - many times I listen to music and stare at the poor fish and plants that can't hear the music.
Martin ,
I think the site works very good (I realy do)- but I understand that you have problems, I chacked and found the problem: the fuse at your computer is in the wrong direction.
Anyway, my computer's fuses have been individually aligned with performance measured with SPEC-INT. Also my main leads have been fully aligned and chosen with respect to the grooviness of the fan noise and tightness of the monitor's picture.
Next week I am upgrading to a Shun Mook office chair and then I'm off to have a long, long rest....
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I have a dvd and now I'm sorry i bought it.
The cables are going to give a full surround sound so you don't have to have a processor. I use my dvd in stereo mode only and find it good eanough.
I also found that naim are right and there is no need to locate a "center" speaker.