Music Quiz

Posted by: woodface on 06 October 2000

Just a bit of fun that should sort out those who listen to music from those that listen to their hifi. Dead simple: 1st correct respondent gets to set the next question. I will start it off with an easy(ish) one.
Which Beatles Albumn ends with the following lyrics: 'I want to tell her that I love her a lot/But I have got to have a belly full of wine/I want to tell her that I love her a lot and one day I'm gonna make her mine'
Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Tony L
Which Beatles Albumn ends with the following lyrics: 'I want to tell her that I love her a lot/But I have got to have a belly full of wine/I want to tell her that I love her a lot and one day I'm gonna make her mine'

A)Abbey Road.

Q) Which Faust album was originally issued on clear vinyl?


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by woodface
Correct answer and my knowledge of Progressive is 0!! Should we make a clause of no 'Yes' questions?
Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Pete
"Faust Clear" (or just "Faust" in N. America, it appears while double checking my facts in AMG).

If that's right, then Q...

Who is Apollo C. Vermouth?


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Tony L
Correct answer and my knowledge of Progressive is 0!! Should we make a clause of no 'Yes' questions?

Progressive... Faust a poncy prog rock band like girlie men Yes? Yes... YICK! This is prime period Krautrock matey.

The question still stands.


PS Hint - you obviously have internet access!

PPS Well done MR C.

Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Tony L
Who is Apollo C. Vermouth?

a). Bonzo Dog Band's producer...

q). Who did Lesley Woods sing with?


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Rico
a) the Au Pairs.

q) who growled about 'confetti in my hair'?

Rico - musichead

PS - nice to see you, Pete!

Posted on: 06 October 2000 by woodface
Marianne Faithful?
Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Simon Jenkins

a) Tom Waits

q) Who released an album called TV Sky ?


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Rico
I think I've been a bit too obscure here, so will forfeit inquisitor's position in order to maintain the flow of the game.

<shameful lowering of head> it was Tom Waits on Rain Dogs.

Your go, Woodface. Is that ok Mr Paxman?

Rico - musichead

EDIT - Missed your post - well done!

Posted on: 06 October 2000 by woodface
We have a correct answer but I will post another question anyway.
Colin Verncombe had a small number of minor hits in the 80's, what was his better known nom de plume?
Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Simon Jenkins
aka Black.

Will stick with my original question.


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Kevin Hughes
q) Who released an album called TV Sky ?

a) The Young Gods

Q) Complete the sentence. The Hope Blister are described as sort of a sequel to ???


PS I hope people are not going to cheat to much using the internet, no fun that way.

Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Kevin Hughes
P.S. Kevin: it looks like we were composing replies at the same time. I did cheat and use the net. Who the f*ck are the Young Gods? An old punk boyband?

Not sure how to describe them, they sample lots of guitars and then create a sort of heavy metal disco noise using keyboards. German I think. I do have the record BTW so I win ;-)


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Nigel Cavendish
Vuk asked
My turn now. What famous violinist is Karajan rumoured to have slept with (and caused an enormous row over when he brought her in to play with the Berlin PO--they didn't/don't want women in the orchestra)?

Would that be Anne-Sophie Mutter? If so he was a dirty old man and/or a lucky bastard.

If correct my question is:

Which rock star wrote a novel set in "Ukulore Valley"?



Posted on: 07 October 2000 by Nigel Cavendish

Sorry, not Michael Moorcock



Posted on: 08 October 2000 by Mike Hanson
the Barenaked Ladies were forbidden to play a concert in what city because of their "offensive" name?

Are you just checking to see if I'm lurking? The city was Toronto, the venue was Nathan Philips Square (i.e. in front of City Hall), and the decree came from Mayor June Rowlands. Coincidentally, they were re-invited to play a couple of weeks ago by Mayor Mel Lastman. Unfortunately, he was at the Olympics during the concert, so the acting mayor had to give them the key to the city.

Q: Which XTC song was rumoured to be written by Todd Rundgren? (Supposedly, Rundgren claimed that he knew the XTC "formula", and penned this tune to prove it.)

Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Smilies do not a forum make.

Posted on: 08 October 2000 by Kevin Hughes
am I correct, Kevin? (no cheating, either)

Of course, people with impeccable taste are usually correct.

Glad to say the only thing I know about BNL is they


Posted on: 09 October 2000 by Mike Hanson
Have you guys bothered to listen to their music, or are you just annoyed because they aren't "serious" enough for you? Yes they have fun, but they also make great music. It's intelligent, varied, unique, experimental, and enjoyable. I know that its mass appeal automatically disqualifies from being accepted by many on the forum. I was wondering if you have the same attitute about the Beatles or the Who?

For something different but related, check out the Brothers Creeggan. Although Andrew is no longer one of the Ladies, he and his brother Jim (who is still in BNL) create very experimental music than spans numerous styles.

Don't knock it until you've given yourself a chance to listen without prejudice. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Smilies do not a forum make.

Posted on: 09 October 2000 by woodface
Do we have a question here?

[This message was edited by woodface on MONDAY 09 October 2000 at 15:40.]

Posted on: 09 October 2000 by Tony L
Do we have a qestion here?

Yes, its Mike's XTC one... its got me stumped.


Posted on: 09 October 2000 by Kevin Hughes
BNL Prejudices
Have you guys bothered to listen to their music, or are you just annoyed because they aren't "serious" enough for you?

Correct "catch", I just slag 'em of because they have a silly name and have been in the "charts". I don't listen to any music, I just decide if I like it based on how many "post modern points" the group scores.

Isn't it about time civilised countries got together and placed some sort of music export embargo on Canada. Just look at the evidence, Adams, Dion, Morissette, BNL and just think of the horrors that are confined to the Canadian market (for now ).


Posted on: 09 October 2000 by Mike Hanson
Mike's XTC one... its got me stumped.

BTW, I've talked with Andy Partridge on this one, and he's assured me that the rumour is "ludicrous" (with a perfect Andy-esque curled lip and sneer). To top it off, he says he has the demos to prove it. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Smilies do not a forum make.

Posted on: 09 October 2000 by Mike Hanson
I was wondering whether you've listened to any of the BNL albums, or only the singles on the radio. The only let the "tame" tunes out as singles, and their albums provide a much broader picture of their musical expertise.

Also, this is probably one of the most enjoyable live acts that I've ever seen. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Smilies do not a forum make.

Posted on: 09 October 2000 by Pete
You haven't got my Q yet...

Yes, Apollo C. Vermouth was the producer on a couple of Bonzo records, but it is a nom de guerre of someone rather better known. And nobody's said who yet, so no play 'til you get that!


Posted on: 09 October 2000 by Kevin Hughes
I was wondering whether you've listened to any of the BNL albums, or only the singles on the radio.

Assuming the albums contain the singles then there is no way I am going to voluntarily listen to an album. I find them very, very irritating and avoid radio stations that might play them.
