When taxes leave something over from my 13th salary in the end of the year I have 2 nice options!
(Current system: CDS2, XPS, 82, SCap, 250, SBL)
A: New 52 (trade-in the 82, keep the SuperCap).
Q: Who has done 82 -> 52 in a related system?
A 52 would take full advantage of the SuperCaps powerrails, and could be a good step to activate later.
Has anyone already heard rumors about a new top-preamp matching the 500 poweramp? I suppose with new design,
volume control done with resistor ladder, inputs with variable gain, ect. but 52++ quality...
B: 8 years old pair of 135 for 5000 SFR (= 2015.87 GBP, 2974.42 USD)
They come out of a six-pack upgrading customer going 500.
Q: who has done 250 -> 135 in a related system?
Would you recommend to send the monos to naim for servicing or can I use them for another 2-3 years before?
How much could the sevicing be?
The naim history states no upgrades for the 135 since release date 1984.
But from the 250 it's known that there were several "silent" upgrades in it's life cycle... what about the monos?
Would it be sacrilegious to stack the 135? (I'm running short in space - and will NOT start a new stand thread now ;-)
How much noise do the fans?!? Does "temperature controlled" mean, they stay idle in most of the cases?
When I listen loud for longer periods this goes max. to 10 o'clock on the volume knob.
Never had a sudden "heat-shut-down" with my former 180 or actual 250 (room size, neigbours, NACA5).
Following the "source first rules", the 52 was my road to go - but you don't get much good s/h options in switzerland.
Some of this questions may be discussed in recent threads but with different configurations. I hope you still have
something to tell me, because I will not be able to demo this as usual - the sudden pop-up of the monos has put me
in an yet unknown (upgrade) uncertainty.
I apprechiate your sonic experiences with great expectations!
Thanks a lot and wherever you are
happy listening
Posted on: 18 December 2000 by Allan Probin
Has anyone already heard rumors about a new top-preamp matching the 500 poweramp
Adrian, I'm in a very similar position to you (CDSII/82/Supercap/250/IBLs) so my next upgrade would probably be to a 52. About 5 or 6 months ago, possibly a little less, there was talk on the forum about a new 52 (to be known as the 52.5)that would incorporate new developments from the CDSII (something called 'transistor rooms' was mentioned by Naim).
When I asked Doug Graham about this recently he said there was no intention of bringing "anything new" out until the end of next year.
Posted on: 18 December 2000 by Vik
The 52 will bring essential improvements over the 82.
However, a passive 250 driving SBLs without the benefit of less than perfect room acoustics may strangle the performance of your high-grade electronics.
So the 52 will sound better only to the limit the 250 can take it to.
With SBLs which go right up against the wall, it is absolutely essential to maximise control over the drivers.
So where the massive 500 may not be an option, budget-wise, passive 135s are an excellent choice for the SBLs.
An even better choice in some respects is another 250 and s-naxo/ *cap. Supercapped, it is tremendous. Hicapped, very very good.
Also, I have known people to stack 135s but I would not do that. In my case they occupy the top 2 tiers of the mana 6 tier because the structural integrity of a rack diminishes the higher you go. This is the maximum compromise I'm willing to take on them. Others here are strongly against this and insist that the preamps should be at the top and the power at the bottom.
So this is my point of view, and I hope this helps
Posted on: 20 December 2000 by Adrian F.
You convinced me in going the expensive "new buy" way - but who needs money when the 52 is playing?
Going active with another 250/SNAXO is a nice possibility somewhere down the road. A 500 way out of budget.
A great read was also David Antonellis 52 jou rney at
And yes, I did want to get that 52 today
but there is none in stock at our swiss distributor
I count on "the friendly people at naim" to send one out to me before going in the end of year holiday...?!?
happy listening