Naim Pre-amp with other makes of power amp

Posted by: Jez Quigley on 27 January 2001

Is it possible to use a 72 (with a Hi-cap) with other makes of power amps? Specifically a Meridian 103. It has din connectors.
Posted on: 27 January 2001 by Jez Quigley
Thanks Jonathan. What was the title of your previous post? I had a look for previous posts that might shed some light on this but I didnt spot any. The connection would only be in the interim until I can get a naim power amp so I dont want to spend £50 on a cable, I was hoping I might be able to use the one from the Meridian 101/103. Can anyone shed anymore light?
Posted on: 27 January 2001 by bob atherton

I for a while used Naim pre amp with a Bryston power amp. The combination sounded very good too.


Posted on: 27 January 2001 by MarkEJ
IMHO the Meridan 101 /103 /105 styling knocks spots off anything Naim have ever produced

The original NAC62 was one of the most beautiful artefacts ever produced by our species.

Big knobs, too (ooh er missus)…

Other candidates (IMHO):

1. Original Lecson pre/power (c.1972?) – also by Bob Stuart or am I remembering all wrong…

2. Quad 33 pre

Posted on: 27 January 2001 by Phil Barry
Thw NANA site lists a cable, DIN-RCA, that is for non-Naim amps. Does the Meridian also have RCA inputs?
Posted on: 29 January 2001 by Jez Quigley
Thanks for all your replies, particularly the one about the different din plugs. Unfortunately the 72/Hi-cap that I had arranged to buy (second-hand)was sold to someone else(it's a long and sad story). So I will continue to use the Meridian 101/103 until another 72/Hi-cap/160/180 or similar shows up at a price that this pauper can manage.

I agree that the Meridian 101/103/105 out styles any other amp in looks even now, and the 101/105 sound only had Naim to beat at the time it was current.

I only paid £50 for the 101/103 and although it can hold its head against much of the modern offerings, I still hanker after the Linn/Naim system (or rather its modern equivalent) I had nearly 20 years ago - also a long and sad story!

Posted on: 03 February 2001 by Jez Quigley
I know Naim advises against their power amps being used with other pre-amps, but could a 250 (or other Naim power amps)be fed by a Meridian 101 as a temporary solution?
Posted on: 05 February 2001 by NAIM-Collector
These old units are as good today as they were over 20 years ago, much like a NAP250.

The best part of the combination is the power amps, one area where they can be improved is the connectivity options.

I have modified a pair with XLR and RCA connectors and individual power cables, the original design called for drawing power in a daisy chain fashion starting at the pre-amp.

I have included a small J-Peg showing the mods, I am currently using a pair as HF amps in a Linn Isobarik PMS system with NAP-135 as Bass and Mid range.