You can try this at home.
Posted by: Vik on 02 October 2000
I've a Mana 6-tier and a Phase 3. On the Phase 3 sits the CDS1.
Up until last week, the rest of the equipment was placed like this:-
1)NAT02 (topmost level)
2)NAC 32.5
6)135.(nearest the floor)
In being denied the space for another Ref Table for the CDPS, I REVERSED the order of equipment like so :-
1)NAT02 (topmost level, no change)
4)SUPERCAP (no change)
5)NAC 32.5
6)CDPS.(nearest the floor)
The improvements were staggering. As an ex-82 owner my feeling is the changes approach an upgrade of the 32.5 to a 102.
It's essentially a source down approach treatment for component placement - with respect to rigidity. In other words, the nearer the bottom, the more stable.
Hope it works a treat for you too.
Best to all,
[This message was edited by Vik on TUESDAY 03 October 2000 at 15:59.]