You can try this at home.

Posted by: Vik on 02 October 2000

Well at least I had to, because there was no more space for another Mana.

I've a Mana 6-tier and a Phase 3. On the Phase 3 sits the CDS1.

Up until last week, the rest of the equipment was placed like this:-
1)NAT02 (topmost level)
2)NAC 32.5
6)135.(nearest the floor)

In being denied the space for another Ref Table for the CDPS, I REVERSED the order of equipment like so :-
1)NAT02 (topmost level, no change)
4)SUPERCAP (no change)
5)NAC 32.5
6)CDPS.(nearest the floor)

The improvements were staggering. As an ex-82 owner my feeling is the changes approach an upgrade of the 32.5 to a 102.

It's essentially a source down approach treatment for component placement - with respect to rigidity. In other words, the nearer the bottom, the more stable.

Hope it works a treat for you too.

Best to all,

[This message was edited by Vik on TUESDAY 03 October 2000 at 15:59.]

Posted on: 03 October 2000 by Darren Miller
I found the exact opposite effect - though with completely different and fewer components.


sounded much better than



Darren Miller

Posted on: 03 October 2000 by John G.

Glad your rig is sounding better. I was wondering if you re-tuned the Mana before doing the reconfiguration or was this not neccessary?


Posted on: 03 October 2000 by Vik
Darren, James, Rob and John....

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify things. I'm sure others are feeling the same way as you are.

Believe me, nothing else has changed.

In fact - I have not retuned the Mana, which was already optimised.

My contact points are unscrewed and re-screwed to clean them - as Naim suggests, the frequency being the 1st day of every 2 months.

One of the resons why I tried this is because (it was explained in the old Conference) that the magnetic fields travel more horizontally, than vertically. So sandwiching them is not a problem. Besides, the platforms between Mana racks are very close to each other. Last year when I was in a far bigger house I took the liberty of sprawling the equipment around, as far as the leads would allow.... Really, not much diff for me - and I'm a pretty exacting person in these things.

The one thing I have not done yet is to isolate the cables. Let me explain. The 6 tier is close to the back wall. To avoid cable from touching each other, I run them through little 3M stick-on the wall sockets - and even then, space those out as well, from each other WITHOUT tensioning the cable. So there is room for improvement (to be done soon).

Lastly, I waited at least a week for consistent results before I presented it to the Forum.

That said, I fully accept Darren's results. I think it's important he wrote them too.

It just worked for me, and there's a possibility it could work for others.


Posted on: 04 October 2000 by Martin Payne

it's my understanding that the fields from transformers are concentrated in a vertical direction, not horizontal.

It is recommended to place items side-by-side rather than above-and-below for this reason.

cheers, Martin