Getting the best from your CDX

Posted by: NB on 20 January 2001

I have just replaced my Roksan Caspian with a CDX and I am getting used to the new cd player. So the question is, how do I get the best results from the CDX?

The rest of my system comprises, 82/Hi-cap/180 and Ruark Equinox's.

I would also be interested in what speaker wires people really use and what they would recommend between the amp and speakers.

Posted on: 20 January 2001 by BrianD
I would also be interested in what speaker wires people really use and what they would recommend between the amp and speakers

I really use NACA A5 and I really recommend it.

I have used others, QED Profile 4x4 (more expensive), QED Profile Silver (more expensive) and Cable Talk 4.1. I've even tried some kind of solid core but I don't recall the manufacturer. None were as good the the NACA A5.

Getting the best from the CDX? I'd suggest you get used to it for a time. Identify where you think it's lacking (if it is) and investigate supports, either metal or wood. Mine is on a home-made plywood rack and it sounds great. Making sure it's stable and level is a problem because of the wood I used but that's the only problem.

Don't listen too hard for problems, just enjoy it.


[This message was edited by Brian on SATURDAY 20 January 2001 at 15:59.]

Posted on: 21 January 2001 by Chris Metcalfe
1. Try Nordost Pulsar points directly under each foot. Makes a great difference!

2. Never turn the power off.