
Posted by: Charlezz on 07 January 2001

Hi, you all often talk about Mana and it sounds great.
But i don't know much things about that...
I have a cd3.5/nac102/hicap/nap180.
Which Mana's should i buy?
Do you if there are Mana's retailers in France.
Thank you all.


ps: i intend to buy Martin Logan Ascent's speakers for my system.What do you think about that? Do you any better ideas?

Posted on: 07 January 2001 by Charlezz
Thank you James, but could give me all the exact references in order to help me more.


Posted on: 07 January 2001 by Charlezz
Would it be ok with ?
1 amp table
1 flat top
2 sound stages

It is a 4- tier rack ,isn't it?
the flat top and the sound stages are just here to increase the quality, is that true?
How much does that cost?


Posted on: 07 January 2001 by Mike Hanson
A four tier rack is a single structure with four separate shelves holding four separate components. If you don't have anything else, then it's at "phase 1". If you add a single Sound Stage under the rack, then everything on the rack gets boosted to phase 2 (also known as "reference level"). This is probably a good place for you to start.

If you wanted to boost the performance, then you could add a couple more Sound Stages under the rack, to get everything to phase 4.

Hypothetically, you could add more isolation to the top component on the rack (for example, adding two Sound Frames between the top shelf and the CD player would take that single component two phases higher, leaving the rest of the gear on the rack at the original level (e.g. phase 6 vs. phase 4).

However, with a rack it makes more sense to put more Sound Stages under the whole thing (until it gets too high and/or too ugly). As far as cost goes, I'm not exactly sure how much the various pieces are. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 07 January 2001 by Charlezz
Bien surpris de trouver là!!
Comme tu vois , je flane ça et là le dimache soir quand j'ai rien à faire!
Je suis bien d'accord avec toi que ça parait bien louche tout ça... mais je n'ai aucune idée du prix que ces meubles coutent et c'est pour ça que je me renseignais.
Mais de toute façon, le prochain achat c'est clair que ce sear des ascent ou des Sl3 si j'ai pas suffisament de brouzoufs.
Ne t'inquiète pas, je ne jette pas l'argent chèrement gagné par les fenêtres papa... big grin
Posted on: 08 January 2001 by Naheed
Charlezzzz, go for the 4 or 6 tier rack (depending on what if you will OR WON'T be upgrading boxes after Mana) then start adding Soundstages and maybe a few Soundbases to your speakers.

A single rack on its own, or at Phase One is overwhelmingly good, Phase 4 really hits the spot, Phase 7 is heaven !!!, beyond that it just gets better.

Sorry Hutter Nutters, Base Bandits, and Quadraspire Queenies but you guys can stick with Phase One equivalents.
I'd say post this to the Mana forum but your are using all Naim gear...


Posted on: 08 January 2001 by Naheed
Glad you liked it, well aside from my taste in music (progressive hard house), but that Lee Retinoure (i think that's his name) CD is really busy.

To me Mana enhances what Naim is all about for 'me', to others maybe it goes to far (i'll do another thread on this).
As i have always said over the years, the IXO is one of naims lost-jewels, and sorely misunderstood, and should be given more credit.

That cds2/xps has you mate, don't fight it, it just gets more painful, swallow the pill, and chill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I'' be replacing the Silencer with the Super Purifier this weekend (waiting for a spare Mana screw to arrive this week - as one of my sbls is only on 3 spikes !!!)...
so late next week should give me a good idea (there's a good write up in Hifi + about all this mains lark).


Posted on: 08 January 2001 by Simon B
Whilst were on the MANA thing again - can I pick your brains.

I have a suspended wooden floor and non-too-solid walls can the mana effect still work?

Also Does the CDI benefit from something like the Seismic sink (inflated platform) more as I believe its got a less effective suspension system than the CDS / CDS2.

Posted on: 09 January 2001 by Naheed
Simon, i have sbls on Phase 3 Mana against a none-to-solid wall, suspended floor without any problems just spectacular improvements.

If your going for Mana go for the whole treatment, i.e. a rack first then maybe soundbases for speakers.

There are rumours that the original cds was designed/optimsed on a Mana Stand, and the cdi is similar.

Either way the cdi or anything benefits from a good quality support be that Mana/Base/Hutter.
