Are S'hand 135s worth the investment

Posted by: Sean P on 13 January 2001

First post since the old conference

Having listened to the above 135s I believe I've answered that question for myself however I do have some niggling concerns. The 135s were previously used to drive the mid range on an active 6 pack for 6/7 years, what effect will such a confined frequency range have on the caps, I assume the amps will have to be burntin in so far as bass and treble are concerned in my passive full range system. Has anyone had a similar updrade experience.

How much should I pay for a pair of 6/7 year old 135s.

To put this in context my present system consists of CDI, 82, Supercap, Nap250, Audio Physic TemposII.

Posted on: 14 January 2001 by Sean P
Thanks for the replys. The 135s are giving me the kind of improvement to my system that I have been seeking however my dealer wants half price+ for these babies which dulls my enthusiam. frown I intend to hold onto the amps for a few more days trial before I make my final decision.
Will let you know the outcome.

In the grip of nicotine withdrawl. mad

Posted on: 14 January 2001 by ken c

you are in the same position as i am -- looking at 135's. i am waiting to borrow a pair soon. let me know how you get on with your pair.



Posted on: 17 January 2001 by Sean P
Sorry for the delay in replying, too intent on 135 evaluation to visit the forum. 135s are now back with dealer however negotiations are ongoing. Many others have extoled the virtues of 135s bass mid and treble as separate entities however I operate on gut feeling and the 135s "felt right to me" across the whole audio spectrum and were an obvious improvement IMHO over my 250.

Still in the grip of nicotine withdrawl. mad

Posted on: 17 January 2001 by ken c

i have a demo booked with grahams tomorrow to compare active 2x250 vs passive 2x135 for myself before i finally make my decision on which route to take. sometime ago, i though i had decided on the 135's passive, but i think a listening test wont do any harm. my dealer recommends the active option -- he says the sbls' will come into life. well, i am curious...

i will let you know my findings. i might actually borrow a pair of 135's if i feel this helps, but i think tomorrow is really decision day.

