Headline or Something Else..???

Posted by: Dave Hartley on 31 December 2000

I've recently lost access to my amps headphone socket when I upgraded to a 90/92.

System...LP12/CD3.5/90/92/Linn kans 1.

I would like to add a headphone amplifier to the above system but not want to go to the expense of a headline. Can anyone suggest a cheaper alternative. At the moment I have to listen using the headphone socket on my Yamaha 580 cassette player.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated


Posted on: 31 December 2000 by Top Cat
I asked a similar question a couple of months back, and the two contenders that popped up were the Musical Fidelity X-Cans V2 and the Creek headphone amp. I ended up going with the X-Cans, which is suprisingly good, considering its low price - around £150, IIRC - and it really improves upon the sound I was getting from the headphone output on my preamp (not a Naim, btw).

It took a couple of weeks before it started to give its best, however; now, it's a gloriously open sound, very transparent and musical, with a nice sparkle to the sound - my headphones are Sennheiser HD600s, FYI.



Posted on: 31 December 2000 by Steve Toy
Try the Rega Ear at only £99. It will offer similar musical involvement at a fraction of the cost and is definitely an upgrade over the headphone socket in a midprice integrated.
Posted on: 02 January 2001 by Dave Hartley
John,Steven & Vinnie

thanks for all your comments,I've seen some of these headphones in various Hi-Fi mags. I'm not
familiar with the Rega amp so I'll try and find
some further details.

These headphones are a must on Sunday mornings
before the rest of the household wakes up.

