supports, a theory...
Posted by: ken c on 14 January 2001
i know most people must be bored to tits with discussions on equipment supports. i am starting a new thread just to torture you all some more. no seriously, i just thought that a new thread would be easier to ignore if you have had it up to here with this supports discussion.
i just want to share with you some further thoughts on this fascinating(?) subject, and put fwd a number of theories, which may not be mutually exclusive.
first, there is the theory that the ultimate support is NO SUPPORT at all. the equipment simply floats in the air - that was, presumably the equipment behaves "naturally" in some vague sense. perhaps in the same vague sense, all those spikes are attempting to achieve just this -- decouple equipment from earth and from each other mechanically. i am sure you mechanical engineers out there can be much more specific...
then there is another theory that says equipment works best when placed on a concrete floor. there has been some anecdotal evidence of this from some postings in this forum. my own experiments with may nac52 indicate that it sounds better (much more believable) when the nac52 is close to the bottom shelf -- i found the second to bottom is also OK. one of these days i will figure out how to post my system config.
then there is yet another that says its got be non-ferrous. this one i have most difficulty with - especially when i recollect the fabulous sounds from my system on sound org/sound style supports.
then there is an even more far reaching "theory" that may overlap with each of the above. that is, equipment supports are really part of the overall musical circuit of your system. in other words, there is no such thing as the sound of a nac52 on its own, only a nac52 together with a specification of where its placed when played. this may seem an obvious consequence of the system concept, but it potentially has far reaching consequences. that an amp designer for example, may have to choose component values and mechanical isolation parameters based on a particular target support. hmmmm... in which case, a manufacturer will have to state which support his equipment is designed for, in the same way as naim state naca5 for speaker cable for their amps. i dont believe manufacturers do this today -- . in some sense, life would be much simpler if they did, as they will probably be forced to make their own supports, more or less like speaker stand for SBL, for example. or else, regardless of how a manufacturer designs his amp, for example, there may be some mechanical parameters that only a good stand manufacturer will be in a position to influence -- in other words, cannot be controlled by design choice of resistor/cap or inductor values, etc etc. i will think some more about this... i guess when i try out the sound frame, i will/may be able to move my understanding fwd a little.
in the meantime, i would urge everyone to try to get their system to play music regardless of whatever supports are in use. i believe this is definitely possible. there is quite a lot of information from manufacturers (such as naim) definitely quite a lot from this forum, and from good dealers. i worry when someone decides to get a particular stand because their system is not playing music. somehow, this sounds wrong to me.
apologies again for length of this post... i do get carried away.