Flatcap 2 for CD5

Posted by: Ceri on 26 January 2001

Just purchased a CD5 and was wondering wether to add a Flatcap 2.Is there a real benefit i.e is it worth the extra £450?
Also i'm looking to replace my TDL RTL/3 speakers as my listening room is half the size of my old one!Good all rounders is what i'm looking for-any suggestions?
Posted on: 27 January 2001 by Steve Toy
I auditioned both the above plus an old Flatcap. The Hicap is the best, but only by a small margin over the Flatcap2, which, in turn, is significantly better than the old Flatcap.
Hicap:Smoothness and authority over Flatcap2
Flatcap2:Improved bass definition and dynamics over "naked" CD5. Also resolves any midrange coloration, if present.
Flatcap:As for Flatcap2, but to a lesser extent.
As for your speakers, it is a myth that big speakers don't work in small rooms. I'm using big floorstanders in a room 2.5m x 3m - no problem! All a small room will show up is the lack of control your amps have over your speakers. Also many a standmounter works better in free space behind them and between them and the side walls.

[This message was edited by steven toy on SATURDAY 27 January 2001 at 14:35.

[This message was edited by steven toy on SATURDAY 27 January 2001 at 14:37.]