Stands, Dedicated Curcuit, Power Bar

Posted by: John on 14 August 2000

My wife and children are going away on vacation for 3 weeks. I want to use this time to teak my setup. I currently have my system between my speakers in a cabinet primarily designed for CDs. My objectives are to move my equipment to the side of my speakers and move the CD cabinet to another wall to eliminate any interference with the speakers. I want to explore the option of a dedicated curcuit. Also by moving the equipment to the side I will need a power bar because of the limited access to plugs. I need help in understanding the following:

1. What power bar would you recommend. I phoned around our city (Vancouver, Canada) and could only locate either power bars with conditioners (audio stores) or power bars with surge protectors. The bars seem to be either $20cdn or $1,000Cdn and up. Naim North America recommends the Wiremold L10320, does anyone know if this product is good, how much it is and where I could find it.

2. Stands??? I have looked all over the city at what is available. I haven't found much that I like and I understand some stand work well with Naim and others are problems. With out breaking the bank has anyone found a stand system that works great?? My system is a CDX/XPS, 82super, 135's, SBL and would require 6 shelves.

3. Is there a significant sonic improvement by having a dedicated curcuit??

Thanks for any help.

Posted on: 14 August 2000 by Paul B

The Wiremold power bar is available in Seattle at the Naim dealer there (Hawthorne). Hawthorne would probably ship it to you if necessary. If I remember correctly it is about $60-$70USD. It is better than anything else I have tried.

I have never seen Hutter, Mana or Base stands (all recommended by various users on the forum)for sale in Vancouver. Hawthorne in Seattle could order the Base stands from NANA for you (check prices on NANA's website) but I don't recall if they had them on demo (that may have changed). This is possibly the best bet (sound wise) unless you want to order Mana (or possibly Hutter) directly yourself.

Dedicated circuits are preferred and are significant.


Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Greg Beatty
John -

I appreciate your difficulty in finding suitable stands. And Hutter, Mana, and Base all have adherents on the forum. However, try to avoid choosing a stand based on availability.

I've heard Base, which I own, and Mana and they are worlds apart - totally different sound. You really must home audition, if at all possible. And stands can be difficult to sell and do not hold their value well, so if you are not happy you could take a bath when you try to buy/sell to switch. Mana does allow home trial via mail. I don't know if they are available in Canada.

- GregB

Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Keith Mattox
I contacted Wiremold directly who referred me to a local SF dealer; I paid $108 for two of the L10320. The one thing is that they're made custom so it required a two-week wait. I think that they're worth it though - extremely sturdy construction and a positive effect on the sound (about which I was rather cycnical before I used them; I purchased them on a whim). Note that they were used on a Linn system and an Exposure-centered system; I have not tried them with naim myself.




[This message was edited by Keith Mattox on WEDNESDAY 16 August 2000 at 17:28.]

Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Paul B

Forgot to mention that Quadraspire stands are available in Vancouver at Sound Plus. They look very nice and have many advocates too especially those that want to avoid metal (steel) stands.
