DVD units

Posted by: Arun Mehan on 31 October 2000

Before I ask my question, I would just like to point out that everyday I log on to the conference to find more and more registered members - amazing. Why is this conference growing so quickly compared to the original one???

Okay, here's the Q. I have just purchased a DVD player and was wondering if it should be left on 24/7 to allow sufficient time for "burning-in" or "warming up". What's the general consensus about this? Will the picture and sound improve over time? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.

Oh, while I have your attention, I have one more Q. I have a two channel Onkyo receiver approaching five years of age. Every so often, as I'm turning the volume up or down using either the remote control or the volume dial on the unit itself, I hear this scratchy, static sound. Does anyone know what could be causing this? The unit is being used everyday so it's not due to lack of use. Again, I appreciate your advice.

Posted on: 01 November 2000 by Joe Petrik

Leave the DVD player powered up. Although it won't be as dramatic as running in a CDS-II, your player will get better as breaks in and give more consistent results if left on.

About your receiver... The noise is very likely caused by a worn volume pot. I think Radio Shack sells a contact cleaner/enhancer kind of spray that might help, but I'd recommend getting the pot replaced if it really bugs you. If it sounds fine when you're listening to music, don't worry about it.


Posted on: 02 November 2000 by Arun Mehan
...especially from my mentor, Joe "Flat Earth" Petrik. You be thinkin' I leaves it powered up eh??? I be thinkin' along those same lines too actually, just wanted to check with the more knowledgeable crowd.

The volume pot doesn't make any annoying sounds when the receiver is doing its job. It only happens when I turn the volume up/down and even then it's not everyday, it's a random phenomenon.

Eric, I have been doing exactly what you said and so it does eliminate the noise for a certain period of time. However, it keeps coming back like a recurrent infection. Ah well, if it gets really bad, then I'll do what the master told me to do.

Thanks again.

Posted on: 02 November 2000 by Joe Petrik

You said "it won't be as dramatic as running in a CDS-II". Given that you are obviously a big analogue man, with many FEPs, I am curious about your impressions of the CDS2. Is this a player good enough to give up your LP12 for?

I've never heard a CDS-II. [shock... horror] Despite spending my formative years in London, Canada -- once upon a time, the epicentre of Canadian Flat Earth -- I've spent the past few years in a place where the streets have no Naim. I now live in Lexington, Kentucky, but the local Naim dealer is carrying only the entry-level gear.

But I think it's well established that a CDS-II takes some time to run in and that the effect is obvious. That's all I was trying to say.

Give up your LP12? Why? You can't play your 45 rpm green vinyl edition of Bauhaus's "Bela Lugasi's dead" on a CDS-II.
