passive 135s vs. active 250 demo report...

Posted by: ken c on 18 January 2001

ladies and gentlemen,

the following is a brief report on my demo of 2x250 active vs 2x135 passive at grahams hifi london, england, today.

i carried my own 1982 vintage silver line nap250 to make the active 250’s pair . the other 250 was grahams second hand unit, of a more “recent” vintage – i believe 1992 or so. source was a cdsii, on its own QS stand, 52 on its own QS stand, and the power supplies and amps on another QS. curiously, the QS’s were linked, and like mine, quite rigidly tightened. (as an aside, I had planned to loosen mine to “finger tight” as (apparently) recommended by QS, but that’s all academic now, read on...).

last night, i was somewhat stuck thinking of what records to carry for the demo. an initial trawl through my collection yielded about 8 cd’s. too many, i thought. so, after hmmm and ahhhh… ing, i settled for the following 3:

Van Morrison – Avalon Sunset – i wanted to check for 2 aspects, on the last track; improvements on the clarity of the bass line at the beginning, and whether the stunning backing vocals towards the end of the record would reveal more layers of music.

Thomas Mapfumo – “Hondo” (which means war) – the third track has lots of subtle percussion effects and harmonising vocals – i wanted to see if i would be able to pick these up more easily.

Erib Beeb “Spirit and the Blues”, i wanted to see how the obvious acoustic would be presented and also how real the voice would be, especially in track 3; “needed time”.

i obviously also wanted to be sure that I was happy with improvements in rhythm and timing, tonal balance, etc, etc.

seconds out, round 1: 2x135. easy. simply confirmed how I remember them sounding at the tail end of a cdsii demo quite sometime ago – you may recall this is when my curiosity for 135’s was first ignited. listened for those things I set out to assess – yes there was more authoritative and more powerful bass at the beginning of “These are the Days”. yes, those little nuances in T Mapfumo’s “Buka Tiende” were even more subtle but more evident – contradiction?? (have you heard about a wedding master of ceremonies who spoke at length about brevity?)

and the acoustic had more poise in “needed time” –more sense of power and dominating control. Paul also played Hugh Masekela’s “Hope” which i thought i already had, but in fact i don’t – so i will pick this up next time i visit/raid a record shop.

enough about the 135’s. so what of the active 2x250 option? round 2:

oh, my, where does one begin??

Paul J played the same tracks, but this time, LIFO – which was a good idea for ease of comparison. first lets state the obvious. there was a difference, a big difference. i almost inserted an interesting superlative between "a" and "big" in the previous sentence, but i am in polite company here, so...

for me, the difference was so intoxicatingly pervasive that i thought Peter(?) may have put something in my coffee (which was horrible, by the way!!).

tried to use the same criteria that i had used successfully (so i thought) to assess passive 135’s, but failed dismally and quickly gave up. each of my selected tracks felt much, much shorter. before i could catch my breath and settle in to the sound, we had played all of them and the demo was finished!!!

what i do recall is that i was deeply engrossed in what was coming out of the SBL’s. i also recall some foot tapping - and i was doing it. on the Mapfumo track, i could picture how folks back home dance to this music – and i could smell the dust, honestly!!! and i was completely immersed in the emotion in “needed time” and other tracks on this album. i swear i saw little tear drops forming around the nap250 power switches! at the end of the demo, i felt as if i was coming out of some trance.

while driving back home, with my 250 on the passenger seat. i recall asking myself “what was the bass like on van the man?”. well, i dunno. frankly, i don’t give a damn. coming to think of it now, i can see it wouldn’t have mattered that much which recordings i had carried for the demo.

since my silver line 250 got on so well with grahams newer vintage, i have invited that to my home. the 2nd hand price was reasonable, i think –a new snaxo is on order - i already have a hicap to keep it entertained when it comes. the lp12 prefix will have to go straight to the nac52 now. sad.

most of my hifi is going to naim for updates (recaps etc); to the supercap, hicap, and for my 250 to be (sort of) aligned to the other 250. my 52 also.

while at grahams, i also met the isoblue table in the flesh; looks pretty. i chatted it up, and invited it to my home too, cherry finish, in exchange for divorce with my QS. it agreed.

when my wife asks what happened to the QS, i will simply say, “I can explain!!” that usually works.

while my system is away, i will try to coax my sbl’s to do a solo for me. mind you, i slightly regret getting a black finish when i bought them 6 years ago. i might simply paint them. (no!!!) sometime, i might consider swapping them... but that’s expensive, and not at all important.

so, ladies and gentlemen, for my ears, a 2x250/sbl active system is a different ball game, in a completely different league, on a different plane, etc etc..., to the passive 2x135’s.

i am back in my office now playing 1x250 – still very enjoyable. but I now know what my next fix is going to be... i can't wait...



Posted on: 18 January 2001 by rohit
can you verify if the eddress as shown in your profile works ?
Posted on: 18 January 2001 by ken c
it didn't. it should now.



Posted on: 18 January 2001 by ken c

"If a pair of 135s pee all over a single 250, just imagine what a quad of active 135s will do to your SBLs, not to mention your bank account"

yeah, the mind boggles... or what about a pair of nap500's, says he quivering...

the nice thing about this upgrade i sthat it wasnt as painful as getting a new 250... of course, there is the small matter of a cdsii, but one step at a time...



Posted on: 18 January 2001 by ken c

retail(135) = retail(250) = 1805 sterling, i think. i got mine for somewhat less.

the sbls are a completely different ball game when caressed actively. hmmm...



Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Philip Pang

Great post on your findings - just says so much about the Naim hierarchy, and that the more you pay, the better the sound gets, usually. But it also seems that set-up is particularly crucial for an active set-up, and if done wrongly, affects the sound in horrific ways - in which case the passive would sound even better...
It would have sounded clearer, but did you find it also just a little brighter sounding compared to the passive 135s?

Another interesting comparision would be where we raise the stakes with a single 500 vs a quartet of 135s, and I recall having read somewhere here that the 500 in passive mode was much preferred by a few of us. However we all know that the limiting factor between active and passive SBLs is the passive cross-over, and that begs the question - how much more can the 500 bring out of the SBLs with its passive crossover, when we could instead have a Super Cap and Super Naxo, with four 135s, in tow?

Unfortunately, here in Singapore, we don't have multiple dealers like you have in Britain, so comparisons like these are hard to come by.

Good listening; the music's still groovin'.


naimniac for life

Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Bob Edwards

I have been fortunate to hear what a single 500 does to previously active SBLs with 135s, SNAXO/Supercap. The single 500 is dramatically better--just take what Ken C has described and employ your multiple of choice. Staggering !

I have also heard the same SBLs driven actively with SNAXO/Supercap and 2 500s; this represents a significant upgrade as well, although to my ears the SBL is now the limiting factor--you may not be getting all the performance advantage the 500 offers.

I can't wait to hear 3x500 running DBLs active-that should really be something !



Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Philip Pang

You're a fortunate man to have heard the 500 with passive and active SBLs...

Pray tell - what exactly did you hear both qualitatively and quantitively with the passive 500?

Good listening; the music's still groovin'.


naimniac for life

Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Bosh
Posted on this topic a few days ago regarding my own experiences

In 94 I took the 135s over active 250s preferring their authority. This was with NAXO/Hicap (CDS1/82/Hicap/SBL) Perhaps the SNAXO and Supercap swings the balance in actives favour

The other thing to bear in mind is the chop in loss for 2x250s rather than 1 when you make the "final" upgrade to a four pack 135 system

Posted on: 19 January 2001 by bob atherton

Nice post. A year ago I went from one 250 to an active pair on my IBL's. At the time I thought that it was possibly one of the most fundamental upgrades I had ever made.

A few months ago my SNAXO was back at Naim for a service so I had about 4 weeks of passive setup. After this I KNEW that it was a huge upgrade.

The pain was eased as my Hutter arrived half way through the passive period. From what I can gather Isoblue creates quite similar sonic magic, so it will be good fun from now on!


Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Tony L
Thomas Mapfumo – “Hondo” (which means war) – the third track has lots of subtle percussion effects and harmonising vocals – i wanted to see if i would be able to pick these up more easily.

Aha, a Thomas Mapfumo fan. I saw him live 10+ years ago when he played in Liverpool, a truly stunning gig. I love the way a lot of Zimbabwean music plays with timing / time signatures, various band members seem to be playing in totally different signatures to one another whilst maintaining a seamless groove. Stunning stuff.

What are the albums to buy? I only have 'Corruption' which just does not seem to capture what knocked me out at the live gig.


Posted on: 19 January 2001 by ken c

you ask, "but did you find it also just a little brighter sounding compared to the passive 135s?"
the honest answer is i don't know, but i rather doubt it. there was just so much calling for my attention that i didnt (need to) try to assess this aspect of the reproduction.

i have raised the question of 4x135 (active) vs passive 1x500. i have heard people say the later is better -- i find this very surprising, given that a single 500 still has to contend with a passive x-over, with all that entails. perhaps someone has actually done this comparison already??? suppose it depends on speakers as well, here i am talking about 2-way only.

i am staying with my sbl's for a while yet. 500's are pipe dreams right now... people like joel with an active 500 system must be living in heaven, surely...



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by ken c
bob, many thanks. i hadnt seen your post when i replied to philip. you say: "... I have been fortunate to hear what a single 500 does to previously active SBLs with 135s, SNAXO/Supercap. The single 500 is dramatically better..."

very interesting... this would imply to me an anomaly in naims product line and positioning, since as far as i can see, there is now no point buying a new 6-pack active -- this is more expensive that passive 500. strange... unless i am adding up wrong...

still, fascinating stuff... from my demo, i had concluded that there is something fundamentally and inherently different about active systems compared to comparative passive. i havent heard a 500 yet, so perhaps i need to revisit that thought after...



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by ken c

"This was with NAXO/Hicap (CDS1/82/Hicap/SBL) Perhaps the SNAXO and Supercap swings the balance in actives favour"

dont forget also the nac52 and cdsii.

i dont know whether 4x135's will be "final". when i bought my first 32/250/hicap , etc etc, ... its was also "final" -- well, thats what i told my wife anyway...



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by ken c
bob, many thanks.

"The pain was eased as my Hutter arrived half way through the passive period. From what I can gather Isoblue creates quite similar sonic magic, so it will be good fun from now on!"

isoblue: well, i hope so. my nephew compared hutters vs isoblue -- although he concluded that the former were better -- he felt not by that much. he is the one who got me thinking about isoblue -- as a better visual match for projekt, but also for its musical qualities.

how long have you had hutters? how do you like them?



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by ken c
you are welcome...



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by ken c
tony: many thanks.

the other aspect of zimbabwean music is that most of it is heavily syncopated -- which makes for an interesting rhythmic mix, which the naims handle very authentically -- with all the nuances laid bare.

i will see if i can compile a list of mapfumo's good discs -- i agree, some of them are "collectors items"...

have you listened to any west african "high life" music at all. when its good, its very very good. again, right down naim's street...



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by ken c
now, lets see. jon malnick. now that didn't hurt getting your first name right, did it??

so how long have you lived with your active system now? i may have asked you this question before... i forget now.

yaah, i have got a long long wait as well. too bad...

ah, so it was the coffee after all... i demand a caffein-free rematch!!! have you had the pleasure of this special brew of theirs???



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Bob Edwards
Ken and Phil et al--

Sorry to not post earlier--

The SBLs driven passively with a 500 are qualitatively and quantitatively better than active SBLs with 135s. (Balance of system is CDS2/52/LP12/Aro/Geddon/Helikon/Prefix/Supercap). As amazing as SBLs are active with 135s they are even better with a passive 500. The music communicates more effortlessly, dynamics are significanly better in both the macro and micro sense, there is an amazing sense of ease to everything, and so on. The 500 makes the SBLs sound much bigger than they are--it gives them scale, which is I think the only thing SBLs have lacked. Driven by a 500 the SBLs sound more like DBLs. It is an astonishing transformation.

To Kens point about there being a discontinuity in the Naim lineup--I think you are correct. However, the 500 is a brand new design using brand new technology--I would expect it to be a quantum leap forward and to challenge the established standards and hierarchies. I think the hierarchies will sort themselves out--after all, few of us here buy equipment based purely on hierarchy. In any event, the hierarchy is restored by hearing SBLs driven actively with 500s--it is even better than passive, although you can tell the SBL is the clear limiting factor.

Just wait until Naim bring out either a 5.1 preamp or a 52-topper !


Bob @ Qwest

Ride the Light !

Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Vik
You almost make me want to get Active 250s, but no no, I shan't be led into temptation.

I'll eventually get a second pair of 135s and in the meantime not visit anyone who has Active 250s. wink

Luckily the 135s are vastly superior on the SBLs than a single 250, so I'm choosing to stay in my experience of making a safe move.

"Driven by a 500 the SBLs sound more like DBLs."
This is the kind of talk that makes us lose sleep. Today is a big day for lottery in Singapore. Wish me luck. Phil, you coming?

[This message was edited by Vik on SATURDAY 20 January 2001 at 03:28.]

Posted on: 22 January 2001 by bob atherton
"how long have you had hutters? how do you like them?"


I've had the Hutter for about 2 months. About 1 month ago I got the spiked feet for the hi fi bases ( big improvement ).

I like them very much, better than my previous stands. They do all that I expected of them, by that I mean not drawing attention to the stands at all, but just the music. I can recommend them highly.

Let us know about the Isoblue as I have a friend who is very interested in these.

Best wishes,


Posted on: 22 January 2001 by Tony L
have you listened to any west african "high life" music at all. when its good, its very very good. again, right down naim's street...

My knowledge of African music is limited, the little I know comes from two of my friends who originate from Zimbabwe. They have both been UK residents since the late 70s, and one has a collection of quite stunning Zimbabwean 7" singles from the late 70s early 80s. The only Zimbabwean music I personally own are the two first Bhundu Boys albums and Thomas Mapfumo's 'Corruption', and I have seen both bands live. I also have a couple of albums by Fela Kute which are obviously a totally different thing, but are also excellent. I still want to find the Thomas Mapfumo album…


Posted on: 24 January 2001 by NigelP

The 500 is simply better than the previous power amp technology from Naim because of the new transistors used. This design does not need the inhibiting circuitry for protection and, as it is farther up the hifi hierarchy, it simply is better. I have heard a 6-pack on NBL verses 500 and it is very interesting to compare the two. Both are excellent but the neutrality of the 500 never ceases to amaze me.
