another dumb-assed newbie looking for a cd source
Posted by: Team Reeves on 19 January 2001
I've been reading the forum with much interest over the past few months and have been knocked out by the quantity and quality of experience and advice available. So...
oh, and a Marantz CD75II given to me by a well-meaning friend.
I'm looking for a CD source of a similar calibre to the rest of the system, preferably secondhand (I'm a BIG fan of secondhand), and preferably to keep me happy for some years.
I may have the opportunity to get an old CDI for little money(but I'm worried about the longevity), or should I hold out for a CDX (but I'm worried about support sensitivity).
Any comments ? Where am I likely to get most music for the most time for the least dinero ??
PS What is a mullet system ?