Audio Synthesis DAX
Posted by: Martin M on 30 November 2000
I have heard the system in question and have encouraged its owner to post some comment on the forum. He was a regular on the old forum many years ago and was famous for his lengthy essays on many hifi subject.
To summarise, Jawed believes that his Audio Synthesis is better than a CDS mk1 and after a direct comparison does not believe that the CDS mk2 is better (i.e. he won't sell what he has to buy a CDS2).
From what I have heard the player is certainly worthy of the system that it is in. Whether it is as musical as a CDS2, I am not so sure.
Music is the answer.
I noticed that on Joel Benford's home page that Jawed has an Audio Synthesis Transcend/DAX-2 CD Player not a CDS. It seems an unsual move in a 52/6x135/DBL system. I can only conclude it must be pretty good player to withstand the exposure that system will give it. Has anyone has experience of this CD Player?
I have heard Jawed's system on many occasions, it is excellent.
The Audio Synthesis is to my ears is a little behind the CDS2 in terms of groove / swing, but is a stunning player non the less - definitely one of the best CD players I have heard. If I already owned the AS, like Jawed I would not consider it worth while changing.
Jawed bought the Audio Synthesis after comparing it to the original Naim CDS, and I belive has had all the retro fittable upgrades done to it since.
It would be interesting to hear how the current Audio Synthesis transport and DAX Decade against the CDS2.
Unfortunately I am yet to come across a CD player that is as good as a top notch record player, so I think CD based systems are limited in terms of ultimate fidelity. However, I am comparing the CD12 and CDS2 at Robert Ritchie's for most of Saturday and I'll report back on whether the CD12 is as good as the hype (I've never heard a CD12).
RR thinks the CD12 is amazing. My mind however is free.
PS It would be nice to read some of Jawed purple prose , especially on the subject of his DBLs. I'm lucky enough to 'limbering up' to purchase a pair myself - (thanks for dem Dougie!) and some set-up tips to extract their full potential would be appreciated.
PS It would be nice to read some of Jawed purple prose...
Yeah, bring on the purple prose.
Would be nice to hear from him though.
Rico - musichead