Err - where'd everybody go?

Posted by: P on 28 October 2000

Just checked in and I'm feeling a bit lost and lonely here. Seems like everybody has vamoosed.

Has Mike Hanson finally got his new forum up and running?

Ore..... has everyone been so brainwashed or become so cheesed off by the recent discussions on the black angle iron that they've all defected to that forum??

Hmmm....Maybe they've bought some and have now discovered that they will have to spend the rest of their lives tweakin it and a tuning it because it just don't sound as good as some make out?

To finish ... How many (Oh no! - **** it. I gotta say that word again!!!!) mana owners run a full Naim CDS2 based system from front end to back??? This I need to know please

I'd like to say more at this point but.......ah well err, nobodies listening?



Posted on: 28 October 2000 by P
How very interesting.

In the absence of anything other than nothing else better to do I have just conducted a survey based on my previous query re. How many of you lot out there actually run a complete (as nature intended) NAIM system from front to back.

The result is this - out of 89 posts only 23 people actually use a full Naim System!

Now - the question is this, how many of the people who don't run full Naim systems have to resort to (that four letter word that begins with) M to make their systems sound as good as a full NAIM system?

For your delight and delectation here is the honours list of those I consider true Naimophiles:

Joel Benford
Mathew Robinson
Mick Parry
Chris Bell
Willem Van Gemert
Marc Newman
Andrew B
Scott Renslow
Cliff Patterson
Allan Probin
Andrew Jameson
Tom Alves
Steve Catterall
Tim Oldridge
Dev Banjeri
Mike Reid
Paul Byron
Rich Jerskey
Adrian Frauchiger
Michael Mcullogh
Arie Gur
Trevor Impett
John Boon
Brian Daglish

And - yours truly

And to anyone who isn't listed in the systems analysis thread - I have yet to examine your profile - hmmmmmmmm.......out demons out!

Regards Pierre- a Naim only person

Or should that be Naimphomaniac

[This message was edited by Pierre on SUNDAY 29 October 2000 at 00:45.

[This message was edited by Pierre on SUNDAY 29 October 2000 at 10:36.]

Posted on: 28 October 2000 by Allan Probin
Just you and me then Pierre. Great, here's an opportunity to talk about anything we like and get a few things off our chests.

What shall we talk about ? Oh, I know, what about Mana ! I see you've noticed too how nearly every topic these days turns into a Mana discussion. I would imagine the folks at Naim are frustrated as hell about this, but what can they do ? Can't censure it but on the other hand it can't be good for business either.

I'm sure Naim must be realising now that having an open discussion area like this is a bit of a two-edged sword. It's great when things are going your way, but when it becomes a vehicle for praising the virtues of some other companies products things are not so rosy - particularly when you are the one paying for the site.

Naim have little choice but to tough it out on this one and let the merit of their own products speak for themselves in the battle for consumer's upgrade money.

One thing I don't like particularly is Naim teasing about releasing to market their own equipment stands. I thought Naim were a company that might have been above this kind of tactic, but apparently not. Stop pissing about Naim - either you are going to release a stand or you're not.

There, that feels better.


Posted on: 28 October 2000 by P
Quite agree with you Al - Ok to call you Al?

Maybe this stand thing has deluded people into thinking their equipment isn't adequate enough- i dunno really, seems like money for old rope to me.

Still, I'd like to know how many CDS2 owners out there have had to resort to such drastic (I mean have you seen the **** forum ? - are they sad or what!!!) measures to make their systems sound OK.

Regards P.

Posted on: 28 October 2000 by BrianD

I've heard these rumours too concerning Naim releasing their own equipment supports. Don't know where it started or how long it's been going on. We really could do with a little more information on this though. As you know, I'm still contemplating messing about with my 'home made' stuff in an effort to improve things. If I knew for certain that Naim were going to produce supports I wouldn't do anything until I've had the chance to check them out. Mind you, I am intrigued by the comments from Pierre (on a different thread) about Base.


Posted on: 28 October 2000 by P
Mornin Bri

Sorry, I can't remember exactly what I've said elsewhwere on the subject of Base supports - memory like a sieve - must be getting old.

I will be speaking with the guy at Base some time this week though and will query the lack of a Base website again - I really got the impression from the first time we spoke that he wasn't too fussed about selling shed loads of his gear, he seemed a kinda like it or lump it type of guy, a very commendable trait IMHO.

Is there no dealer nearby who stocks Base?

Regards P

[This message was edited by Pierre on SUNDAY 29 October 2000 at 07:50.]

Posted on: 29 October 2000 by BrianD
And morning to you Pierre.

I have to admit that I haven't checked for dealers of Base. Until you mentioned it I hadn't heard much about it. I'll make a few calls, send a few e-mails and try to find if there's anywhere local selling the stuff so I can go and have a look. If I think it bears any resemblance to an oil rig it wouldn't matter how it works, there'd be little chance of me buying it. I used to have a BLUE Soundstyle support which I later (not much) had powder painted black. Don't know what made me get it in blue, or even buy it all, but there you go.

BTW, I don't have a CDSII but my system is all Naim so you can add me to your 'entire Naim system' list.


Posted on: 29 October 2000 by Paul Stephenson
We have been involved in a rack project, two full proto,s so far... they do not sound as good as we would like so until then we will not release a rack, maybe it will never happen, may be it will. I can say it is NOT a high priority!!!! there are many out there that do the job. ok guys!

As for the forum if racks are what people want to talk about then, ok, we find it boring as hell! and some people only ever seem to rack on about supports but thats ok, just read the topics you wish.
I am in Germany right now, just finished a mini dealer show near Frankfurt. Rainer and Margret Pohl run the shop, really cool people with a great store. B&W are doing big numbers here infact in most places they must be doing something right. Anyone got big B&W speakers? like to hear from people what they do!
Still love my DBL'S though, my 500,s should be cooked by the time I get back.

Posted on: 29 October 2000 by Allan Probin

I have a price list and a few brochures for the Base stuff that I can post to you if you like. I have a couple of the Base isolation platforms that I use under my power supplies. I'm not sure if Base are sold through dealers anymore. Certainly when I made a few enquiries locally nobody stocked it. I had to buy direct from Base.


Thanks for contibuting and trying to clarify the situation. I take it from what you say that it won't be any time soon then that a Naim stand will be available. Certainly not within the next 12 months is my impression.


Posted on: 30 October 2000 by Dev B
Paul wrote>>>B&W are doing big numbers here infact in most places they must be doing something right. Anyone got big B&W speakers? like to hear from people what they do!


B&W's seem to be very popular around here too, with Robert Ritchie selling quite a few pairs of 602's and 601's, I get the impression that it's the same situation at Grahams and Billy Vee. I think they (B&W) have got some serious dealer support and from what I have heard of the 602's they are rather good speakers (and easy to drive), though not as good as NBLs in my opinion.
