Year 2000 review naimwise
Posted by: Franz K on 15 November 2000
For myself, about the same time last year after living with 700 something CDs and listening to a Sony diskman hooked up to active Sony speakers I decided to finally get a "really good" Music gear for christmas. A frind of mine recomended me to go to a dealer in Vienna who also carries Naim.
So I gave it a try and listened to a CD3.5/Nait 3 gear. And I truly liked it. My first impression was whoa, but I didnt want to spend so much money on a stereo. So I got the Nait3 together with the Arcam7SE. That was a big step after years with a discman. Three months later a s/h CDX popped up and I just could not resist to excahnge the Arcam and take the CDX. I also got a Headline shortly after and Grado headphones. The CDX was an eyeopener and I wanted more. So sometime during summer I could talk my dealer into selling me his demo 82 for a reasonable price and exchange the Nait3 to a 90. During September a s/h 250 showed up which I just had to take together with a demo Hicap. Oh well and last week I found a bargain 9 months old SC on the net which I just decided to buy.
So in retrospect I went from nothing to CDX/82/SC/250/Hi/Headline/ within a 12months period and spent abaout 10 times the money I initially wanted to invest. Yet I dont regret it at all.
I^d like to get an XPS and SBLs hopefully soon and that should be it for the next few years.
Well we^ll see.