Nac 92 Phono cards

Posted by: syd on 10 March 2002

hi all, I hope you can help me with a couple of queries I have. I recently bought a NAC92/90 pre and power second hand. Brilliant sound but can anyone tell me hoe you tell the difference between the MC cards. The manual mentions 3. 323S,323E 323K. The cards are marked 323/1. Also is it possible to run the 92 from a SNAPS or does it have to be HICAP or better. Thanks for reading
Posted on: 10 March 2002 by Steve G
You can run the 92 from a SNAPS in a couple of ways:

1) With an unmodified SNAPS you need a 2nd 4-pin SNAIC and you can then wire the 4-pin output from the 92 to the SNAPS and the appropriate output from the SNAPS to the power amp.

2) You can modify the SNAPS (later ones only I think) to dual rail (replace one of the 4-pin DINs with a 5-pin using both power supplies) and then use the 92's 5-pin output. The mod is very easy - even I managed it...


Posted on: 10 March 2002 by JohnS

I just asked this question of NANA for some 523 cards and I imagine the 323 cards are similarly coded.

The NA 523 boards come in three flavors, "K" (Linn Karma / Troika), "S"
(Supex-the original MC board type), and "E"-type (EMT-based cartridges such
as the Roksan Shiraz or Corus, Benz-Micro, etc.).

Does the Arkiv need "K" boards as well?
Does anyone use "S" boards with a Linn cartridge?
