Hi-Fi Show Reminder
Posted by: Andrew Randle on 19 April 2002
A reminder to anyone looking at attending a UK Hi-Fi Show. There is one this weekend at London Heathrow this weekend.
Full details can be found at
www.audiophile.co.ukSadly I was expecting Naim to be there, but they appear to have dropped out of the attendance list.
Is this so?
Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 19 April 2002 by Derek Wright
I went to the "show", aproximately 14 rooms from various vendors, the names on the web site are misleading - it may mean that one of the rooms may have some equipment from one of the names - eg Wilson Benesch are mentioned - what this meant was another company was using a pair of WB ACT1s in their demo
I got there at 2pm - the time the show was scheduled to open - at least 4 rooms were not set up and equipment was still arriving.
It was not the Bristol show or like any other Heathrow show I have been to. By the time I left at 2 30pm there were still more vendors than punters
There were two vendors selling CDs, SACDs and some vinyl.
It was a nice sunny day for a drive
Posted on: 19 April 2002 by Andrew Randle
Wow Derek, only half an hour! Good grief, these April shows were supposed to be the big two-fingered salute to the Hi-Fi News' Novatel exhibition.
Maybe it did one thing right by encouraging the big September show back to the Renaissance. Apparently the Renaissance has refurbished their rooms, possibly improving the acoustics.
Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 19 April 2002 by Derek Wright
Andrew - I was very disapointed - the young ladies at the cash desk did not even have change - not a good experience..
When I left I saw another (the other ) visitor also leaving - we had spent some time searching for the vendor rooms and I sat in a demo with him. SEvral punters were heard to mutter something about "is that all there is" and "is there any thing down there"
The mens room (or bog in stand parlance) was very clean and the hotel was very smart but I did not go just to add another hotel to my list of hotels I have visited
ou can the range of primary products at the Audiophile Club website.
There was a cable demo using the type of equipment I traded in years ago. However they were not quite ready to start... the only other demo that was working was for a reclining chair....
The highlight of the trip was that one could park for 3 hours for free in the hotel car park.