Mana Speaker Stands

Posted by: Brian D Hunt on 04 February 2001

Has anybody got, or used Mana speaker stands for the Linn Isobaracks. I'm still using the original stands, and have often wondered if they are worth the upgrade.›
Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Top Cat
The general consensus is that the Isobarik is transformed on Mana stands to levels of greatness...


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by jimlevitt
Track down Dave Simpson - he's posted on the forum recently. I believe he installed the Mana Isobarik stands in the past month or two. He ought to be able to give you a full report.
Posted on: 05 February 2001 by dave simpson

As Jim mentioned, I've had my DMS stands for about a month now and am continually amazed by improvements to the brik's sound.

Linn stands, by comparison, make the briks sound bandwidth-constricted, confused and shut-in. An entire "world" of low-level detail is missing and the bass is mumbly and uneven by comparison.

I'd post a lot more but Naim has a policy of "no advertising third-ware" here and I wish to respect their rules. Come on over to the Mana forum and we'll chat. Better yet, you can also discuss this product with several members that have used this product far longer than I have.

glad to assist,


Posted on: 06 February 2001 by keV
I totally agree with Dave about the Mana stands - you will not be disappointed!


Posted on: 06 February 2001 by Martin M
Anyone tried these?
Posted on: 06 February 2001 by mark dunsford
I've just bought some Mana stands for my aging Isobarks. Yes they do make a difference, they tighten the lower bass (which was a big problem before) and increase detail and soundstage. However my Bariks are on a suspended wooden floor and still exibit some xs lower bass. I might have to put them on some Sound Stages for more isolation. Don't tighten the back screws on the stands (leave them out copletely) though because it closes the sound right up (on my wooden floor) anyway. They must couple the speakers to the floor in some way. Marks out of ten, about 7 for me.
Posted on: 06 February 2001 by Tomas Östlund
Mark (and others)

Could You somehow quantify the difference compared to other upgrades you know ?


Happy Isobaric owner

Posted on: 06 February 2001 by mark dunsford
Its difficult to say, as I was mainly looking to cure a problem- excess low bass. They certainly helped alot in that respect. The Mana stands didn't alter the sound balance, which I was worried about as I like the tone of my 1985 version. I had hoped for an increased soundstage (and better midrange projection) but although everything was more focused it wasn't really any bigger, I didn't think. The upper bass didn't seem to improve much either.But definately an significant increase in detail, I have heard lyrics and instruments I couldn't hear before!
I 've listened to newer (xover outside) versions and found them to be overdamped and tight in comparison.
Sorry -back to quantifying the improvement- I guess its similar to upgrading an arm on an LP12 Ittok to Ekos, maybe not so much. Or moving from a SNAPS to a HICAP.
Posted on: 06 February 2001 by dave simpson

Did you know proper rear screw tension is simply "touching" the back of the briks? No "torqueing", even finger tight. Kills the music.



P.S. Not so sure about Mana brik stands BEFORE the other gear is "mana'd" .... might want to consult Mana via e-mail/forum.This is "SOP" for their other speaker stands.

Posted on: 11 February 2001 by mark dunsford
On the matter of the rear bolts of the Isobarik stands, I've tried them lightly touching, allen key tight (I think Mana instructions say 'tighten with keys' AFAIK and completely without. 'Without' sounds best to me, much more open than the other two settings.
I too, would recommend decent rack stands before upgrading the speaker stands, but not necessarily Mana. I use a Mana support for my Linn but have heard a few others which sound pretty good.
What ever sounds good for you! (You're gonna have to live with it!)