Thanks, I'm changing as I heard the Lyra in friends' systems and I really like it. The Dyna 10X4MK2 will be my backup. I just love this cart, great on heavy metal, classical, pop/rock, same volume level as CD too. Not as detailed as the Spirit, but I find the 10x4MK2 more musical, more PRAT, more slam, more bass ... I am going for the Lyra because of its musicality as well on almost all music genres, plus some refinement, even if I need to use another manufacturer's external phono stage - but of course, I'd like to stick to the Naim phono board which I found to be better than other much more expensive stages like AR PH3SE, Acoustech, Klyne, EAR, Black Cube, etc. A remarkable phono card !!
Yes, I can play the Spirit at 11 o'clock. But the sense of power is missing, even at 3 o'clock (noise already creeping in), James Newton Howard, Led Zeppelin, or Fritz Reiner LPs don't kick well enough. With the Dyna, all I need is 10'o clock and it pins me into my seat. Not just my observation, but all who were with me evaluating the cart. CD becomes better in terms of power and slam. With the Dyna, CD is left in the dust ... Unfortunately, we are headbangers, so powerful music from Metallica or Mahler have to be kicking, not softly, but hard.
Don't like the XX1-L, super-smooth.