Focus, Focus!!!

Posted by: Mike Hanson on 18 July 2001

I was just re-reading the messages in a few threads, and I realized that we're losing the plot. We're onto 3-D soundstages, speed of speakers, and other factors that don't necessarily relate to the key issue. What I want is the sensation that the musicians are in the room, in body and spirit. The best adjectives are palpable, tangible, manifestable, substantial, tactile, etc. There are number of factors that might work toward or detract from this goal:

Just to reinforce my message, let me say that I've had the desired sensation produced from a 1950's mono recording, so this isn't even necessarily a fidelity thing, or a stereo vs. mono thing. It's all about giving the music a body and soul. I know when it's there, and I know when it isn't. It's rather difficult to say what needs to be changed/fixed when it's not right.

It's kind of like watching a movie screen. If it isn't in focus, then you immediately know something is wrong. Once the focus problem is fixed, you'll still recognize it isn't "real", because it's 2-D. Yet sometimes you'll see a panoramic shot that captures the essence of the scene so perfectly, and it's as if you're really there. It's that magical sensation of virtual reality that I yearn for and wish to reproduce on my stereo.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 18 July 2001 by SaturnSF
I for one never expect my hifi to "transport" me to a club, concert hall, etc., and don't cling to the notion that if something is wrong the "illusion" is shattered.

I am always aware I'm listening to a hifi. What I hope for is the best reproduction of the recorded sound possible. When it works, i.e. when you are able to discern the "body and soul" of the performer in the original recording, then I feel my hifi is doing its job right.

While I think its nice to have a soundstage where you can tell where the performers are standing, and get a sense of what kind of space they're in, to me this is a fairly minor issue, far behind PRaT. But that's me.

And since I've not said so before, here goes:
LP12/Lingo/Ittok/Rega Exact/102/HiCap/250/Kabers

Posted on: 18 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
While I think its nice to have a soundstage where you can tell where the performers are standing, and get a sense of what kind of space they're in, to me this is a fairly minor issue

I don't want the soundstage so that I can know where they're standing. That would be mere data. For me, the purpose of the soundstage is to enhance the illusion that the musicians are there.

BTW, I don't want to be transported to the club. I want the musicians transported to my listening room.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on WEDNESDAY 18 July 2001 at 19:58.]

Posted on: 18 July 2001 by David Dever
Soundstaging is still a function of the recording process--what microphones are used where, how close or far to the sources, which EQ/compression is employed (if any), the console pan positions, all that stuff--and may still be ultimately fake.

Ever played a drum kit with your eyes closed? All of the localization that one would normally occur with your eyes open (16-inch floor tom next to right knee, etc.) is lost in a very fundamental way (this occurs, BTW, with the piano as well), leaving only the ol' pitch, tonality and rhythm. Clearly, spatial localization is the last thing on a musician's mind, as there are too many other things to be concerned with.

Headphones used for monitoring in the recording process can also confuse this further, as they provide too much fake localization, to the detriment of timing as well as the general vibe of the performance.

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 18 July 2001 by Sproggle

I don't want the soundstage so that I can know where they're standing. That would be mere data. For me, the purpose of the soundstage is to enhance the illusion that the musicians are there.

BTW, I don't want to be transported to the club. I want the musicians transported to my listening room.

My own take on this is that I want to enhance the illusion that I'm hearing the musicians playing live - where they are playing is secondary. If we're going to talk about who is transported where, however, it seems more natural to me to think of my being transported to the musicians' environment - the idea of a large orchestra in my tiny room strikes me as rather implausible! Consequently, I have no objection when "acoustic" music sounds as if it's coming from behind the speakers: I'd hardly expect the dimensions of the concert hall to match those of my own room. smile


Ever played a drum kit with your eyes closed? All of the localization that one would normally occur with your eyes open (16-inch floor tom next to right knee, etc.) is lost in a very fundamental way (this occurs, BTW, with the piano as well).

You're not the first person who has reported this but my experience is quite different: closing my eyes has no effect whatsoever on spatial localisation. Until my mid twenties I was able to get a fair idea of the size and shape of a room (with eyes closed) just by listening to the ambient noise in the room. As a by product of this I used to hate being in rooms with sloping ceilings because they gave me a claustrophobic feeling. My hearing is a lot worse now - I can't hear room characteristics in the same way - but my localisation ability has not changed. Consequently, I suspect that differences between individuals in this respect may be due more to the orientations of their ears than the accuity of their ears. smile


PS I must add that my localisation ability depends a great deal on the type of sound I'm listening to. There are some high frequencies that completely confuse me, and the whistle from a TV set occurs at a frequency where I often get whistling in the ears - which doesn't help. Hmmm... I wonder if my ear whistles are caused by too much TV?

[This message was edited by Sproggle on THURSDAY 19 July 2001 at 02:53.]

Posted on: 18 July 2001 by Steve Toy
I don't want this to sound like another fatuous Round Earth Versus Flat Earth debate. I like good, accurate, sharply-etched soundstaging - whether the musicians are brought into my room, or me into theirs. It enables me to make more sense of individual performances as well as the whole, genearally enhancing detail.
If we take the Round Earther's logic, then PR&T is unimportant because emphasising leading edges to notes is pure "hype," when all they want is to hear the music, "as it is."
I disagree with them on the basis that the leading edges are there in the live performance, and should therefore be reproduced.
On the other hand the Flat Earthers who say that accurate soundstaging is false because the listener can't place people so precisely at the live event, are equally mistaken.
Firstly, when you are at the live event you can see the musicians playing, so the visual information, which is more accurate anyway, overrides the aural info.
Secondly, you take it as given that everyone is in his, or her place, because they are, and you don't question what your senses are telling you at a live event. A sense of smearing - because soundstaging is inaccurate in recorded music is not the same as being unable to pinpoint the exact location of a particular musician at a live venue.
Thirdly, it is down to the listener's ability to decipher the high frequency info that gives us the location of sound. The reproductive equipment should at least be up to the job, even if the listener's ears are not.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 18 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
Soundstaging is still a function of the recording process

Agreed. Some recordings will never produce a proper soundstage. However, the soundstage is only one means to an end. As with my mono recording from the fifties, you don't even need a stereo recording to create that magical sensation.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 18 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
the idea of a large orchestra in my tiny room strikes me as rather implausible!

Agreed. In that situation, I'm just looking for a coalescence of the sound. I realize that I'm never going to get that same effect on all recordings.

Until my mid twenties I was able to get a fair idea of the size and shape of a room (with eyes closed) just by listening to the ambient noise in the room.

You just reminded me of something that I used to be able to do. When I was a teenager, I could this same thing, except I could do it for an adjacent room that I had not seen. Not only could I tell you the basic shape, size and orientation, I could also tell you where a talking individual was standing in that room (within a few feet). My friends tested this a number of times, and they were always sure it was some kind of parlor trick. I don't know whether I could do the same thing now, but it probably explains my extreme need for a "realistic" soundstage. It also would explain why I can tell where musicians are positioned in a live orchestra, even if I'm quite far away.

I'm resolutely a middle-earther. I want it all, and I want it now! smile

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Mick P

How many people own a Garrard ?



Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
Notice how people with top-flight turntables don't have all these complaints?

That is a curious thing. I've often noticed that your turntable does a much better job of knitting the two channels together than your CDX does. The coalescing of the sound is quite obvious and enjoyable. I wonder why this happens. Is it the smooth analog signal that causes it, or could it even be a bit of "crosstalk" between the channels bringing it all together?

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Steve Toy
Somehow, I don't feel that it could be the crosstalk - that only falsifies the info to some extent. If it really was the case, you could add in digital crosstalk. Surely better separatiuon is just that. I think that it is more down to the fact that with an anologue signal, the upper registers determining soundstaging are much cleaner.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
I think that it is more down to the fact that with an anologue signal, the upper registers determining soundstaging are much cleaner

I agree. The crosstalk possibility was just a troll.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
It's interesting what you're ears can do with high frequencies. I read an interesting article once, which suggested that the absence of high-frequency overtones (above 20KHz) enabled people to tell whether they were listening to a live or recorded piano. Although we can't "hear" that high, apparently we can sense waves up to 80KHz on a subliminal level.

The experiment entailed making a recording of a piano with very good equipment that could record and playback frequencies up to 100KHz. They replayed it with and without supersonic filtering, and the test subjects were asked to choose which performance was "live". 75% of the time they chose the one with the super-sonics.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Martin M
I think that it is more down to the fact that with an analogue signal, the upper registers determining soundstaging are much cleaner.

I think this point is debateable. A good test of any transmission system as to the quality of their high-frequency linearity (which is what we are talking about here) is an intermodulation test. If you check out this quality of any decent CD player at its band-limit (say 19/20 kHz) then it passes with flying colours. A turntable does not.

Are high frequencies more extended on vinyl? Personally I doubt it. Witness the quadraphonic spec - very fancy styli and a bespoke cutting system to put a FM carrier centred on 38k on the disc. None of these are used for stereo. If you play that on a 'normal' elliptical or whatever stylus it acts as a chisel removing it, ie no response at 38kHz. In addition, I believe most cutters roll-off treble above 15 kHz as much HF has a tendency to blow the cutter head.

Actually, I recall reading from a guy that claims "scientificly" that part of the reason that Analogue sounds more natural is indeed because of the lesser separation in high frequencies.

Personally I don't think so. Theoretically a component should act as open window to the recording it is reproducing. So if a recording has 90 dB of seperation so it should be reproduced. They typical stereo sepearion for a top analogue system is 35 dB, if you play a 90 dB seperation recording on this system you attain 35 dB of seperation at the end of the playback chain. That's called distortion.

However, 90 dB is a theoretical maximum crosstalk figure, which will not occur in practical recordings.

But the 90 dB seperation player will reproduce a recording with 30 dB of seperation, with 30 dB of seperation (or as near as dammit within a nth of a dB).

Play a practical recording as described as described above through the analogue system as described above and you will shave about 2 dB or so off the seperation. So to all intents and purposes the differences between the analgue and digital here nullify.

Leakage between left and right channels is the basis of stereo perception, and the diffence in perceived power at a given frequency between each ear is how we percieve direction (and is why bass sounds mono to us the wavelength of these frequencies is greater than the distance between our ears hence are percieved as being at the same level i.e mono). In a practical recording the 'stereo effect' is delived by recording with a stero pair of mics on two tracks of tape. Unless the effect is artificially done (i.e the argument doesn't stand up for Kraftwerk!) the distance betwen the mics determines the relative levels hitting each one. The inter-mic distance is going to pretty damn large to get much above 30 dB.

Same goes for the speakers.

So unless we have an artificial 'ping-pong' stereo recording over closed back headphones in an anechoic chamber you ain't hearing much difference in stereo sepeartion between analogue and digital playback.

Am I disparaging analogue? No, I like it very much. I happen to think the real differentiaters are less obvious that frequency extention, noise levels and crosstalk. Does analogue sound more 'real' to me? Sometimes. What do I mean by more real? I mean closer to the 'human spirit' inherent in music. How do you measure that? Bugger...

But with electronic and other 'artificial' recordings, what is your real reference for saying what is 'better' and what is 'worse'? And should this reference be false, could you be handicapping your system by contorting its performance toward an inherently flawed goal?

Right time for more coffee....

Makes SACD and DVD-A sound far less interesting though!

PS Sorry about the spelling....

[This message was edited by Martin M on THURSDAY 19 July 2001 at 19:35.]

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by NigelP

Isn't about feeling the emotion of the music? When I listen to my hifi I get that thrill that goes through me. It's a sense of feeling the music as well as hearing it. I am assuming that a great number of us have an engineering background and so enjoy marvelling at the engineering that goes into reproducing the arts. The bottom line for me though is the emotional experience and the presence.


Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
Isn't about feeling the emotion of the music?

Emotions certainly play a large part in my music listening experience, but it's not the only thing. Let's use a food analogy, where the emotions represent the way the food tastes, and the "palpability" (as I call it) is the texture. The two go hand in hand. Don't give me pudding that tastes like steak, and then insist that I must be satisfied.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Martin M
Don't give me pudding that tastes like steak, and then insist that I must be satisfied.

Actually, I'd kill for some Steak and Kidney pudding at the moment! smile

Posted on: 19 July 2001 by Martin M
I think you will find that the 'mystery device' to reduce seperation is in fact a small size capacitor/resistor network strapped across the left and right channels to couple them together.

As a matter of fact you'll find that your amplifiers will exhibit about 50 dB or so of seperation, so they already act as a 'partial monoer'!

Posted on: 23 July 2001 by Martin M
I would suspect areas where the two channels are in close electrical proximity. The 52's input sockets and volume control are examples. Just my speculation though.
Posted on: 23 July 2001 by Tony L
I would suspect areas where the two channels are in close electrical proximity. The 52's input sockets and volume control are examples.

Yeah, you need two 52s, one for left and one for right.
