Sweeping the grooves...

Posted by: Top Cat on 10 February 2001

Hi folks.

I'm looking for alternatives to the VPI supplied brush that came with my 16.5 record cleaner - having so far cleaned around 200 LPs, it's beginning to look a bit worn and in any case the bristles on it always seemed a bit on the thick side to really get inside those grooves.

I was wondering if anyone had tried alternatives, particularly any 'non-dedicated' brushes, e.g. fine filament oil-painting brushes (unused, of course) or similar - i.e. something that's easy to get hold of locally and that will be able to really clean those grooves.

Any thoughts, folks?


Posted on: 10 February 2001 by Phil Barry
DiscDoctor - www.discdoc.com. I'd recommend the whole system, but you can use just the brushes.
Posted on: 11 February 2001 by Eric Barry
I also use and recommend the Disc Doctor and know many other analog fanatics who do as well.

The brushes are pretty much universally acclaimed as the best available, both in quality of cleaning and ease of use. They are wide, making it easy to scrub, and they are rubber, so if you are clumsy you won't damage anything.

As to rinsing, I think it is the key to the Disc Doctor system and I have argued elsewhere on the forum that if you rinse two or three times, you are removing dirt as effectively as vacuuming (see the forum archives). That's what my ears tell me. So I'm not surprised you're getting the best results that way.
