rehdeko speakers...

Posted by: ken c on 08 February 2001

anyone know anything about these speakers. i gather (not sure) that paul messenger uses them in his largely naim system. i may have mispelled the name...

i am just curious -- i am not about to replace my SBL's.



Posted on: 08 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
Hmmm. I've heard a DNM demo with Rehdekos and a DNM demo with Living Voice loudspeakers.

The demo with Living Voice was fantastic. The demo with Rehdekos was really bad.

My advice - try with caution.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 08 February 2001 by ken c
andrew and per fl. many thanks.



Posted on: 09 February 2001 by Cheese
Well... let's compare them to an extremely ugly but still sexy woman. I can't avoid joking about my local dealer who just loves them, but they have indeed their charm.

To be honest, they'd certainly be the last speakers in the world I would buy, personally... Maria Callas sounded like a computer voice, and Horowitz was truly dreadful. IMO, forget about listening to classics with Rehdekos.

But if you are a rock- or a jazz-lover, they might be worth a closer look. They are truly brilliant in dynamics, speed and liveliness. And I've never heard any speakers that still sounded that good at headblowing volumes over 110 dB!! "Take Five" souded gorgeous with extremely lively and present drums, and Paul Desmond's sax sounded as if he were playing live.

But given that I like a "beautiful" sound like the one of, say, Wilson Benesch, I still consider that throwing the money out of the window would still be a better investment than buying Rehdekos that just hurt my ears big grin

Posted on: 09 February 2001 by ken c
bernard, many thanks. i have never seen them in the flesh -- but from what you say -- they are somewhat unremarkable. as i said, i am not in the market for speakers. if the nbl's had been a bit smaller -- then maybe.

tom, if possible, please e-mail me that review..



Posted on: 09 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
I have heard the Rhedekos at I think,une of the Manchester shows,Used with DNM electronics the sound was neither very fast or very good.


I concur, in fact the Manchester show is probably the same show where we both came to the same conclusion (see above).


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 09 February 2001 by wal riley
They were playing the rehdeko's at the first show in Chester, but you know what it's like at shows - basically impossible to form a proper opinion. However, they did have a certain something to the sound and were certainly lively, though whether that is enough to justify the cost and the dire cabinet finish is something you'd have to decide for yourself. And don't those drivers look just like something out of a 70's Ferguson radiogram?
Posted on: 09 February 2001 by Andrew Randle

Sorry to say that the demo at the HFN/RR made the Rehdeko's sound like Cerwin Vegas - another hi-efficiency design. DNM make fantastic amps, so I'm sure it was the room.


Andrew Randle
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