New Kan-3 vs old Kan's on a Nait-2
Posted by: Alco on 18 April 2001
Hi folks,
Well, as if there aren't already enough topics
about the Kan's... Here's another one from me.
just a couple of minutes ago I read a review on
internet about the new Linn Kan-3. The owner was
very enthousiastic about the Kan-3 partnered with his old Nait-2.
He said: "pair up an old Nait-2 with a pair of Kan-3's, and the upgrade bug will have been well
and truly vaccinated!" ...hmmm
Well, is there anybody who has these same
experience with this combo ?? or with a Nait-3
for that matter..
It's not that I'm not satisfied with my current
speakers right now (MA studio-2SE),but I'm just
curious if Kan's or perhaps some Royd's are a better/more musical match for a Nait-2.
Whatta ya' think guys..