SL2 finish ?

Posted by: Ian P on 05 September 2002

Posted on: 05 September 2002 by Mario
Go the maple, looks much more modern in this day and age, and a speaker always looks smaller or less obvious in maple over darker finishes like cherry and rosewood, Mario.
Posted on: 05 September 2002 by Thomas K

Both finishes are aesthetically pleasing IMO, but it really depends on how you decorated the rest of your flat - particularly if there's more wood.

I have a solid oak floor and beech SBLs -- way too similar, looks like Ikea gone wrong, but alas, cherry SBLs were no longer available at the time ...

Posted on: 05 September 2002 by vern
I vote that you don't get rid of the NBL's, just thinking about that hurts.
Posted on: 05 September 2002 by Bob Shedlock
I'd go for the maple. Finishes darken over time and maple turns to a very nice color, with the grain structure an amber brown. Cherry gets downright dark and tends to lose it's grain sturcture over the years.
Posted on: 06 September 2002 by Ian P
Thanks to all who voted - looks like my choice is the popular one - Maple.

The order is in, and I can't wait to see them. Oh yes, and hear them too ~:-)