it's been fun

Posted by: Joe Petrik on 13 February 2001

I've been thinking for some time about calling it quits with audio forums. Not because of censorship. Not because of any heated exchanges with me or anyone else. But because I spend far too many hours of my waking day reading about and replying to audio.

I've met a lot of decent blokes here, some of whom I can honestly call friends. And I've learned a lot about hi-fi, so much so that my system has never sounded better. But I think the time has come to say good bye.



Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Mike Hanson
I've been feeling much the way lately. It seems like all of my spare time has been sucked up by these forums, and there are lots of other things that I want/need to do. I'm going to take a break for a while.

Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
Hi Mike and Joe,

I've known, people say the same things in other fora that I've contributed to. They then force themselves to leave and in 2 weeks they are back again.

Like most things in everyone's life, the forum is a phase. I was on the forum briefly a couple of years ago and then just didn't get around to reading it again until about 9 months ago - when I started posting big-time wink .

The point is that you probably won't be able to stop abruptly - it'd be more of a case of "phasing out" like Joel Benford seems to be doing, and I have done with many other fora in the past.

Good luck with the "cold turkey",


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Dev B
Just take your foot of the gas a bit but don't stop the car.


ps. it's ok to be that way by the way.

Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Nigel Cavendish
When anything becomes a chore it is time to take a break.

Enjoy yourselves.



Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Arye_Gur
I find myself addicted to this forum (I think there are few members who will volunteer to cure me).

You were right about the speakers.
The final set I find as the best is when the speakers are about 10 degrees toeing in, 1.5 meteres between them, exectly 30 cm' from the rare wall. My ears are 2.5- meteres from the speakers (my nose is MUCH closer).
The soundstage is stunning - never had it before.
You are blamed in -
1. My upgrade to a 72 from a Nait 3.
2. Improving the sound with the speakers arrangement.

Your sentence is -
(No reducing for good behaviour !!!)

The same sentence to Joe for having strange ideas !


Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Arye_Gur
Sorry to to ask not about the subject of this thread, but please answer before you are leaving...
I have Asaka and I think it is okay.
I want to buy a prefix - but am told it is better I buy a new cart.
What do you think, what cart can I buy in 500$
and do you also think that a cart goes wrong after years of use, even if its sound is good ?


Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Willem van Gemert
Joe and Mike,

I will certainly miss your posts and of course Joe's great pictures. I still have to laugh when I think about the picture Joe sent of the NAPSC with the two men testing it!

Maybe the Beta version of the Forum software will make our visits less time consuming!



Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
I still have to laugh when I think about the picture Joe sent of the NAPSC with the two men testing it!

Yeah, that was classic!


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Keith Mattox
I'll miss both of your educated contributions to the forum and your sharp sense of humor. Don't stay away forever.



Posted on: 13 February 2001 by Arye_Gur
Don't rush them - they are not going to leave, they THINK about it.


Posted on: 13 February 2001 by dave simpson
Joe- Thought we made a pact dude ? Hey I understand, we do have a life outside of here. Just don't make it permanant ok.

Mike-- If Petrik takes a sabbatical, who the hell is going to share The Voice of Reason in manaland ?

sad day without "ol' joe 'n mike",
