CDS1 switching on & off by itself

Posted by: jpk73 on 26 April 2002


Today my 1994-CDS1 switched off and on by itself 4 times during playing in less than 2 minutes: CD played continuously and display was on all the time, but sound and backlight-logo went off and on...

So: is that a problem of the PSU or of the head-unit? The transport seems to be OK, its jumping only on 2 of my disks.

- Jun

[This message was edited by Jun Keller on FRIDAY 26 April 2002 at 12:58.]
Posted on: 26 April 2002 by HansW
It may be the CD.

I have one CD that causes the same thing to happen on my CDS1, always at the same spot. It was explained once on the forum. If memory serves me, it has something to do with there being a long string of 0's (or 1's) in a row.

Posted on: 26 April 2002 by Chris West
Hi Jun,

What you described sounds like the output mute relay is being triggered (the logo will go out when the signal is muted). Could be a fault condition in teh head unit or you have a CD or two which have large chunks of missing data (a la gouge or smear). Also we had a problem once with a Star Trek disc (NO not one of ours) which could trip the mute circuit due to a particular modulation in the recording....


Posted on: 26 April 2002 by jpk73

And what do you all think about my nextel-ring?

- Jun
Posted on: 26 April 2002 by garyi
The ring looks good, (well better than mine!)

My CDi was triping out not long ago, sometimes when accessng CDs it would flash the naim logo then the output would all be distorted, suffice to say naim sorted it out.

It sounds a bit like the same thing. To fix it I would switch the unit off wiggle the powerlead, (no seriously) then turn it back on. see if that does anything.