Anybody heard the new boxes?

Posted by: Matt worlock on 16 October 2001

Muhamid ALLeeee,

My dealer rekons they will have a set run in soon & I,ll trot down there & take a listen.
Until then I was wondering if anybody's already had a dem & would care to comment on there suitablity in the following system:

CDX, 82 & hi,180.

Ta..... raving mad boy Matt. big grin

Posted on: 17 October 2001 by Paul Stephenson
"CDX, 82 & hi,180."

Spot on, the allae will work very well indeed!with this combination. Delays have been down to cabinet suppliers but we are almost there.

[This message was edited by Paul Stephenson on WEDNESDAY 17 October 2001 at 16:34.]

Posted on: 17 October 2001 by MarkEJ
[referred from Alex's PMC thread]
Sorry, didn't realise that "boxes" in the thread title meant the Allaes.

Only heard at Bristol in Feb., so usual cautions apply. They just sounded fast, comfortable and gracious. I know that doesn't tell you much, but it really comes down to the fact that one's attention was drawn to the music rather than the speaker. This was on the Sunday. The day before, the system had sounded "sat on" in the usual "cold Naim" manner.

Personally I thought the CDS2/52/SuperCap/135s/Allaes system worked rather better in that particularly tricky, almost-square room than the CDS2/52/SuperCap/500/NBL system in the same room the year before.

I was also very impressed with the Royd RR2s, which cost (reputedly) a lot less than the Allaes, and appear (show dem only!) to have similar strengths. They're the ones on the right:

Your room, your ears, etc.



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