TT virgin advice

Posted by: Martinm on 05 April 2002

Hi all,

I have decided to put a toe in the water and get a turntable. Having read through some past posts I'm going to listen to a P3(secondhand) next week.

The problem is I have no point of reference as to how it should sound. I currently run a Planet, 72/140 into Cura ca10s.

How should the P3 sound in comparision to my planet?

I guess i need a phono card -which one and how much are they?

Any recommendation on interconects?

Please don't go suggesting more expensive TTs as I can only afford a couple of hundred pounds and at present have about 10 records!

Any thoughts would be gratefully recieved

Many thanks

Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Steve G
Originally posted by Martinm:

Please don't go suggesting more expensive TTs as I can only afford a couple of hundred pounds and at present have about 10 records!

A couple of hundred bucks is close to the bottom end of used LP12 territory. I only paid slightly more than that for mine.

BTW the P3 should comfortably blow your Planet away. The cards to get will be dependent on the cartridge fitted - whether it's a low output moving coil or a high output moving coil or moving magnet. On a P3 it'll most likely be a moving magnet I expect.


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Martinm
Cheers Steve,

V. excited to hear that it should blow my planet away big grin

What would be a bottom end LP12 and how would it compare to a P3?


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Top Cat
Linn: Basik (with Akito or Basik LVX): £100-150
Axis (with Akito): £150-200
Old LP12 (with Basik LVX, say): £200 and up.

Rega: P3 you have a chance to hear. Also try to hear any Systemdek (if not too dear) and you never know, you might even find a Garrard or something (which is a cue for Mr Parry, Esq.)

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."

Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Steve G
Originally posted by Martinm:

What would be a bottom end LP12 and how would it compare to a P3?

A bottom end LP12 would have a Basik arm and power supply and a cheapish cartridge. Mine is a very early one and had a SME3009 arm and a Shure V15MkIII cartridge. That was comfortably better than my previous Thorens TD160 (100 quid on Ebay including a Rega RB250 arm and Audio Technica cartridge) which was itself vastly better than my old Project 1.2. Even the Project (perhaps £50 used?) could give my CD3.5 a run for its money with the right material.

I've only heard a P3 in a friends system (don't know what arm and cartridge were fitted) but I'd have placed it somewhere between my Project and Thorens in terms of performance.


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Martinm
Cheers guys,

Problem is, as I have very little understanding of the "what and how" of different arms, carts etc. that I am going to be at the mercy of the dealer to a degree (They have been v.v. good so far).

None of my friends have a set up including a TT so for this first step I shall be probably fairly cautious. This way I hope to have it all working as it should, and sounding good (plus some back if it goes wrong)
Once I've owned one for a while I would be able to have a start point to listen from.
These are my thoughts anyhow!


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Steve G
There are lots of decent used TT's available. For examples have a look at the following:

Linn Axis

Rega Planar 3

Another P3

Linn LP12


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by dvdkeogh
I really like the Planar3/P3. Having been raised to believe that CD was infinitely better than vinyl by my father (who has a Garrard 401/SME3009/Shure V15) I couldn’t help but smile when I listened to the P3 even with Bias cartridge. It really did impress me in comparison the planet, in a way that the P9 never did when compared to, say, a comparable T+A CD player. With the P9 there just wasn't an appreciable difference to make me go wow... But the P3 really impressed, especially considering its price.

I've wanted to hear Cura speakers for a long time now as I think I really might like them, but I've never had a chance to sit down with them. Living in Aberystwyth for most of the year has its disadvantages... Did you audition them against other speakers when you bought them? If so, how would you basically describe their virtues in relation to other makes (especially Rega)?

Take care


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by sonofcolin

My P9 makes me go 'wow' compared to my CDX, but it has to be a good pressing.


I would definitly listen to a P3 or sytemdek in view of your listening requirements. As a TT newbie, I think you'll like the sound of the P3 / planet combo (I have had both) and the no nonsense set up and shut up and listen approach of the TT. Good cartridge would be the Elys (also rega), but there are many other possibilities. Talk as ever to a good dealer.

The systemdek IIX or IIX900 are also great decks for the money. With an RB300 arm I actually prefer them to the P3. Suspened sub-chassis, so need to be set up and leveled, which can be a pain in the arse (instant flaming from the pipe and slipper LP12 brigade imminent!), but have a listen and see what you think.

Good luck!

Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Martinm
Well you guys have got me really excited about listening to the decks!

Dave, I auditioned the speakers a couple of years ago and got the mapple finish for about £650 ex dem so listened to some others around that price. If i remember correctly I heard, ruarks (floorstanders think may have bee prologue 1s?), Dynaudio (52's and 60's), Mission (floorstanders can't remember model) and some B&Ws (again can't remember the model.

I like a very open sounding speaker and the Dynaudio ones although sounding fast and tight did not sound as open as the curas. The Ruarks sounded good, very even, and percise but did not draw me into the music at all. At this price range i am not a mission or a Band W person at all.
Mission sounded very thin and weedy, and B&W sounded bloated and closed in. (I had a nait 3 at the time so this may have influenced!)

The Curas (to me) sounded, well fluid i suppose. Fantasticly open with effortles treble and mid range, yet was still pacy and taught. Got my feet tapping! I have to say though since moving i have struggled to get them firing as I know they can I think this is due to having a lot of reflective surfaces in my room at the mo. So if you can get em in at home for a while.

At the time I knew very little about alternatives speakers that I've picked up from this forum so am not sure how they compare to the likes of Royd, rega, neat etc.

I shall be moving to North London in June, if you happen to be in the area you are more than welcome to have an evening with them.

Will be offline till tomorrow now have a good night.


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Paul Ranson
You cannot go too wrong with a Rega P3. Just bear in mind that they cost £298 new and that a suitable cartridge has no secondhand value at all.

Old Linns are much more of an adventure. If you're primarily interested in exploring vinyl old and new at a low entry cost then go with the Rega. Perhaps even a new one...


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Rico

Agreed, the P3 should kick the Planet's butt, esp if it's the earlier Planet you're talking about.

LP12. I'd recommend you fork out around £400 and get a used LP12/Valhalla/Ittok. This rivals a CDX, will trounce P3's, most CD players, and give you a real source. Sadly it will see you sweating as you riffle through bins in the vinyl exchange, the upside is that you'll have more dosh in yer poscket as good vinyl is available used for a pitttance.

Take your time, find a decent LP12. If you do you research, you should be able to learn to set it up - it's not black art, more attention to detail. Otherwise find a decent dealer to fettle it for you - Auditorium and Grahams are two london dealers able to get an LP12 to sing.

Simon Sandys if you're reading this, how bout some of your vinyl virgin experiences with LP12/Valhalla/Ittok!! smile

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 06 April 2002 by Martinm
Ok will check out the P3 tuesday and will try and have a listen to the heybrook also.

I can't push for a LP12 at £400 as this is a present from the other half who had originally offered to get me a project debut!

I've just been to the Jeffries site and can't find the heybrook, but I will have a look round for some other alternatives.

Thanks for all the responses I hope to be joining you all in the TT discusions in the near future!


Posted on: 08 April 2002 by JeremyB
There can be no regret I could imagine for purchasing a P3 new or s/h. I would suggest an LP12 as a future step since IMO you need to get hooked on the vinyl (musical) experience first for the effor to be worthwhile. Plus the arm is better than you'd get (and easier to set up) than on a low end LP12. I was really disapointed with both Basik and Akito arms after the Rega arm. It's just that these arms never seemed "solid" or precise.

One thought - I don't know if they are available in the UK but Sound City in the US (online AV store) had some NAD TTs (can't remembert the model number but actually appeared to be a Rega P2 with a NAD badge, including a RB250 arm) which would be a great deal new (around $200 inc Goldring cartridge if I remember correctly). A friend bought one two years ago and it's still going really strong through a couple of amp upgrades. Upgrading the cartridge all the way up to Exact on this is an exhilarating experience, or you can just buy a huge pile of second hand records (Decca ffrr for Classical and Atlantic, Geffen and others for Rock, all of which will have been taken cared for by previous owners).

Have fun!


Posted on: 08 April 2002 by richard goldsmith
As someone who has variously owned over the years an Ariston RD80 (still kickin' in the second rig) a used Rega Planar 3/RB300 and now a late 80's LP12/Valhalla/Ittock LVII, if you can get a good used Planar for a decent price it will astound you. But if you are putting out the dosh for a new one, I concur that a decent Linn would provide better value. Some people see them as logical steps along the same path, but to me they are totally different beasts.
Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Martinm
I've decided to explore the P3 route further. An LP12 is a little out of the range, but is something I would explore in the future if the bug bites!

What should I epect to get with a secondhand P3 -arm cart etc. And if anyone has some 72 phone boards lying around do drop me an email

Cheers all


Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Peter Stockwell
Originally posted by Martinm:
I've decided to explore the P3 route further. An LP12 is a little out of the range, but is something I would explore in the future if the bug bites!

What should I epect to get with a secondhand P3 -arm cart etc. And if anyone has some 72 phone boards lying around do drop me an email

Cheers all


A P3 is a safe bet, I've owned two in my Hifi history, they are fuss free in terms of set up.

TC mentioned you could get a Garrard for little money. This is a bit of an illusion, it's a great TT ,and in the right context will embarrass some very expensive machines, but it needs a purpose designed plinth to bring the best out of it. Loricraft has introduced a new low cost Skeletal Plinth at c. £275. So even with this basic plinth you are looking at a minimum of £500 to £600.

A P3 holds value pretty well and canbe very easily traded for something better if the vinyl bug bites.


Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Martinm
Hi went and had a listen to the P3 at lunch time.

And.............. well I'm not sure, I'm going to have to go and have another listen.

To be fair my 140 had just been picked up from naim after a service and as such probably needs a bit of a run in. Plus they did not have my speakers available so I Listened to it with a pair of Shahinian Compass which was not a presentation I was familiar with, or really warmed to. The cart was an A&R P77 i think.

My records were also in need of a good clean! The one or two that were in good nick did sound very nice and I warmed increasingly to the sound.

Next step will be have a good session with a couple of new records in my system, in order for me to make a good judgement. Did sound promising though, i'll keep you posted

Cheers all
