i vote infidelity for lp12 service...

Posted by: ken c on 26 June 2001

you will recall that i had my lp12 serviced at infidelity in hampton wick, london.

if soft bounciness/springiness is anything to go by, then this is by far the best reset my turntable has ever had. its early days yet (i only installed it last friday, and lp12's are notorious for going out of tune) but initial indications are very positive indeed. most importantly, it sounds good too, of course helped by the fabulous XX2.

if you are looking for a dealer to set up your lp12, i would definitely given infidelity a try.



Posted on: 26 June 2001 by Chris Dolan
I can't comment on infidelity.

In my neck of the woods I'd strongly recommend Phonography in Ringwood and Phil March in particular. Iknow what he can do with an lp12.

.......but have things moved on?

I don't have a cirkus on my lp12, and I expect that bits (springs, grommets etc) need replacing and presumably linn parts are easier to get hold of if you are an official Linn dealer.

If you have a re-set/service from a non-Linn dealer is this worse becuase you don't necesarily get new bits, or does the quality of the set up take precedence?

I'd like to think the latter but I don't know.

Chris confused

Posted on: 27 June 2001 by ken c

If you have a re-set/service from a non-Linn dealer is this worse becuase you don't necesarily get new bits, or does the quality of the set up take precedence?

i suspect its more the quality of set up that matters. i believe non-linn dealers like phonography can probably get any linn parts they need if they put their minds to it.

i have also heard some very good things about phil march -- so i think you have a good "linn dealer".



Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Chris L
I'll second the recommendation of Phonography. I just bought my LP12 from Phil March, and I'm _very_ pleased with it - my CD player's hardly been used in the last month!

Anyway, given Phil's relationship with many Linn dealers around the country, I doubt very much that he'd have any trouble getting Linn parts if they were needed.

As for the Cirkus (and I'm preparing to be flamed here), I haven't heard anyone give it a wholehearted recommendation - it seems to me that it definitely should be classed as an update, rather than upgrade.

Chris L

Posted on: 29 June 2001 by Steve C 01
... is Audio File of Bishops Stortford. Steve McLeish has given me good advice/info & of course servicing on my LP12, Lingo & Naim gear.


Steve C 00

Posted on: 30 June 2001 by Darren Cotter

I live in Jersey and our Linn dealer has had the dealership for about a year now so I thought it was about time to get my LP12 serviced.

After telling the manager all I wanted was a new set of springs, belt and a reset he said it would cost "A few hundred pounds". After enquiring what a few hundred pounds ment he settled on £400-£500.

I phoned Linn who said that it should only be a couple of hours work and they would look into it.

The moral of the story is that whoever you take your LP12 to they've got to be better than the Jersey dealer.


P.S When they first got the Linn dealership I asked one of the staff if they would be supporting the LP12, the answer I got back "Do you mean the Technics?"

[This message was edited by Darren Cotter on SATURDAY 30 June 2001 at 14:58.]

Posted on: 30 June 2001 by ken c
Steve C 00: interestingly, audiofile was one of the dealers on my short-list for cdsii purchase. i did visit the shop for a demo and also to have my naca5 cables re-terminated with naim plugs. Steve McLeish (i believe) did my cables and also set up the demo.

the demo didnt really work out too well -- partly, i suspect, because the system sound was a bit "unfamiliar" to me with b&w speakers at the end of a 500 system, but also because steve suspected their 500 probably needed attention. the naca5 termination with naim plugs was better than the previous airlocks in a lot of important ways, but unfortunately, as i reported in this forum, the treble became unlistenably "dirty" and "imprecise". i didnt get an answer from audiofile when i inquired about this -- all i wanted to know was what solder they had used (as it happens, this was irrelevant anyway). i sought help from naim, and the problem was resolved -- see earlier threads on soldering naim plugs and cable dressing.

i liked the audiofile shop a lot -- it is very well set up. also they are quite near to me and its a very pleasant drive through the countryside.
i was very keen to do business with them. demonstrated by the fact that i was very happy to pay £40 that they charged me to have my speaker cables done.

but the bottom line is that i didn't feel comfortable doing (cdsii) business with them this time around. great pity. even though things didnt work out for me, if a friend was looking for a hifi shop around here, i would definitely recommend that he checked them out.



Posted on: 30 June 2001 by ken c
my lp12 service has always been around £60 or so, certainly less than £100, if no major parts were changed. and whenever i bought a new cartridge at the same time the reset was "free".

from your story it definitely pays to shop around. you dont want to take your LP12 in for service and then end up with a Technics deck!!!



Posted on: 30 June 2001 by Mark Dunn
Hi all:

Decent LP12 techs are hard to come by in the U.S. I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and if anyone wants a set-up in this locale I'd be happy to do it for a reasonable sum. I am Linn factory trained and have a jig.

Best Regards,
Mark Dunn∞

Posted on: 04 July 2001 by Steve C 01
Kec C: Steve charged £60 for a full service; springs grommets, belt etc...

Steve C 01

Posted on: 04 July 2001 by Dev B
i was very keen to do business with them. demonstrated by the fact that i was very happy to pay £40 that they charged me to have my speaker cables done.

All I can say is that Robert Ritchie would do this for free, but then again he does LP12 services for free, system set ups for free, home visits whenever requited for free.

Southern dealers are bandits.

Posted on: 04 July 2001 by ken c
dev b:

All I can say is that Robert Ritchie would do this for free, but then again he does LP12 services for free, system set ups for free, home visits whenever requited for free.

i generally don't look for freebies as i want my dealer to survive commercially. but i look for good value competent service.

as i said, i was very happy to pay the £40 for the cable retermination -- unfortunately, i wasnt happy with the result, and lack of any response when i asked a very simple question about the poor results from the reterminated cable.



Posted on: 05 July 2001 by Dev B

I have experienced the following dealers: Billy Vee, Grahams, Audiophile (Bishops Stortford), Infidelity, Audiotorium, Uxbridge Audio (Uxbridge and Chiswick) and all I can say is the Robert is in a different place when it comes to technical ability, competence and good old customer service.


ps. I have even learned how to service an LP12 (badly, I might add) because RR taught me.

Posted on: 05 July 2001 by ken c
you have certainly done the rounds on dealers. i guess i am not far behind:

old sound org, studio 99, RPM, Grahams, and now Infidelity.

early days yet with Infidelity. the old sound org is well ahead on points.

next time i am in the area, i might give this robert ritchie a visit..



Posted on: 05 July 2001 by Not For Me
I have had an LP12 serviced there, and found them honest, reliable and competent. They swapped a faulty arm lead for another one without charging the earth for a new one.

You can often park right outside, and they are still open in the early evening, whihc is a plus.

David S

Posted on: 05 July 2001 by ken c
You can often park right outside, and they are still open in the early evening, whihc is a plus.

yes. when i did my cartridge dem, i parked at a car park opposite -- 50p per hour i think... when i colleceted my cdsii and lp12, i just parked right outside the shop, probaly double yellow but didnt check...

