A Penny for your Thoughts on Mana'd Isobariks

Posted by: mark dunsford on 28 October 2001

I interested to read about the tip in a previous thread about inserting a penny between the Linn Barik stands and the speaker base.
Having Mana's Barik stands I wondered if putting the coins (I used a new penny - but a farthing probably works..) between the speakers nylon feet and the glass platform would yield any improvements. I envisaged a glassy, tinny effect but I was very wrong!
I astonished that it has exactly the same effects as described using the coins under original Linn stands. The low bass was cleaned up and tightened noticably. I can now hear bass guitar/pedals clearly on some tracks which were distorted fuzz before e.g that ultra low bass line on Rudy from Supertramp's 'Crime of the Century'.
Vocals are smoother and the whole dynamics of the music seems to stitch together more coherently i.e. more musical! - on all sources. All for less than half a crown.
Now who wants to try silver sixpences?
Posted on: 28 October 2001 by Martin Payne

I'd be cautious about this.

Best way to know is to leave them in for a week, then take them out again for another week and see if you were actually losing things as well as gaining.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 28 October 2001 by Jez Quigley
I've had the pennies in for a couple of days, it does seem to clean up the low end a bit, but everything else gets a bit 'shouty'.
Posted on: 28 October 2001 by mark dunsford
Umm...At the moment I'm gaining smoother vocals, losing a nasty excess of low bass and playing more music.
I don't care what I'm losing!
I'm happy.
Posted on: 28 October 2001 by Martin Payne
Never got around to it, but I wonder about other denominations of coins - e.g. silvers (10p etc) or £1s.

Maybe one day, if I can afford it.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 30 October 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

Watch out some newer pennies are steel coated with copper the older ones are all copper so test them with a magnet.


Posted on: 30 October 2001 by Martin Payne
Dunno if this is serious, but there's a LOT of steel in the standard Linn stands, and it's definately of the ferrous persuasion.

Hmm, now - non-ferrous Isobarik stands!

cheers, Martin