What CD Player

Posted by: bigtrak on 27 November 2001

I'm just getting in to this naim lark. Just wondered if I could pick your brains. I am after a CD Player but as yet can't afford any of the Naim ones. Does anyone have any suggestions for alternatives - I do not mind going second hand and often feel you get better value for money especially as I can't really affoed more than £350 - £400.
People seem to say good things about the following CD Players but I would be interested in your veiws when they are partnered with naim kit ( by the way I have a NAC62 & NAP140 new style)

Rega Planet
Quad 66 or 67
Micromega (which model)
Arcam CD72
Manrantz cd cd6000ose
Any Linn ones?
Any others

Thanks alot sorry if you have coverred this topic before.

Posted on: 27 November 2001 by Mike Hanson
My office system has a Cambridge CD6 fed through a 72/SNAPS/110 system, and I'm quite pleased with it. The newer D500SE is also good, although I prefer the CD6 by a small margin. The bonus is that either of these players is well within your budget. (You shouldn't have any difficulty finding a used CD6, or maybe even a new one.)

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 27 November 2001 by bam
I've heard the CD72 through Arcam kit. It sounded really very good indeed. It made the rest of the Arcom kit sound good (which is a feat). It sounded better than the Rega (on a quick comparison). There is a stark difference in sound between the CD72 and the previous Arcam CD range. They really seem to have decided to make their new players sound transparent and real. Could be the 24 bit BB DACs. Their old kit had that mosfet-mellowness character that makes me feel ill.
Not sure how it sounds through Naim, but I shouldn't think the NAC62/140 would bugger it up too badly.
Posted on: 27 November 2001 by John Schmidt
I use a CD4SE through a 32.5/Hicap/250. While its flaws are obvious, they don't seem to get in the way of the music. Not bad for 1/6th the price of a CD5. It's no longer made, but the design of the newer D300 and D500 are similar, and both are well within your limits.


John Schmidt
"90% of everything is crud" - Theodore Sturgeon

Posted on: 27 November 2001 by John Bailey
I have also used a Cambridge CD4SE with a NAC42.5 and NAP140 - very good it is too.

Unfortunately the build quality is terrible: The first one failed after 20 minutes, the second failed to work at all and the (current) third one developed the same fault as the other two (won't read the TOC) after just over a years worth of use. If I leave it switched on all the time it is OK though.

Oh and the controls are really tacky. It replaced a Marantz CD50SE which did sterling service making the LP12 seem even more wonderful...

Posted on: 27 November 2001 by Bob Edwards

If you can find a used CD3 in your budget I would go for that--by far the best player available for the money, and can still, I believe, be serviced by Naim.

There is a rather grand leap in performance when going from a Rega/Rotel/CAmbridge/Arcam/etc to a CD3.

Cheers and good luck!


Posted on: 27 November 2001 by Steve G
Like several of the folks above I'd also suggest you look for an early CD3 as that would probably be the best available player in your budget.

I've used Arcam players and they're ok. In my bedroom system I use a Micromega Leader II and Meridian 203DAC which cost me something like 300 quid for the pair used. Very good sound for the money - smoother but not as detailed as my CD3.5 though.


Posted on: 28 November 2001 by graeme w
I used to have a Rega Planet and thought it was excellent with Naim amps. However, I now have a cd3.5 and the difference is stunning!!! Save your hard earned until you can find a Naim cd within your budget. As Tom said, you could waste time and money buying cheaper cd's.


Posted on: 28 November 2001 by graeme w
I have just re-read my previous post and can see that it is clearly misleading.
Apologies for my poor ability to express what I meant clearly. I will do better.
In saying "Save your hard earned until...", I was trying to say "Save MORE hard earned until you can afford a Naim cd", and not "Keep your hard earned and find a Naim cd within your existing budget".


Posted on: 28 November 2001 by Jez Quigley
There are some 3.5's & CDI on loot now for around £650-£700
Posted on: 28 November 2001 by Steve G
Originally posted by Jez Quigley:
There are some 3.5's & CDI on loot now for around £650-£700

I paid £650 for my mint CD3.5 from an online dealer so it's worth checking around them as well. I don't think I've seem one significantly cheaper than that anywhere. There have been a few CD3's on loot for around the £400 mark though.

I heard a CD3 when I bought my original Naim system and it sounded very good with 92R/90 & Credos. I'd say it was perhaps a little more forward and perhaps rawer sounding than the CD3.5 (although I've never done a side by side comparison and it could just be that my system now is better bedded in that the demo system was) but still very entertaining.


Posted on: 28 November 2001 by Stephen Bennett
Used 3.5 @ £300-400, hmmm where? Agreed CD3's are out there at 400 but CD3.5, nah

I paid £450 for my mint CD 3.5 off LOOT. OK I was lucky - but I was patient too.


Posted on: 28 November 2001 by steved
I had a CD3 until about three weeks ago, when I traded it in for a CDX. It is a very good player.
The dealer may still have it.
Speak to Andrew at Image Audio in Leeds 01132789374.

Good Luck

Posted on: 28 November 2001 by David Stewart
About 2 months ago I got a mint CD3.5 off Loot for £580 - so I guess I must count myself lucky too! There's a couple on there today at £675/£695 plus a recently refurbished CD3 at £475.

The 3.5 is excellent though - well worth saving up for - now, does anybody know where I cn pick up a second-user FlatCap at reasonable cost - doesn't seem to be many around??

David S

Posted on: 28 November 2001 by Phil Barry
I thought that transports for CD3s were in short supply, making it a risky purchase for the long term.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Posted on: 28 November 2001 by Peter C
A CD3 if you could get hold of one would be fine.

Arcam CD players are a reasonable match for Naim, My mother uses an Arcam 6 through a Nait 3 and Kef speakers, it sounds fine

p.s. If you do find a CD3, pay £50 also for a new NAIM interconnect for the CD3. Naim's current CD interconnect is better than the one supplied with Naim CD3's.

Posted on: 29 November 2001 by bigtrak
Thanks alot everyone!! Looks like I best save my money and save for a CD3 or3.5